MOH ESS Essay Competition 2024

13 May 2024

About MOH-ESS Essay Competition 2024

Interested in revolutionising healthcare through economics? Stand a chance to win $3000 in the MOH-ESS Essay Competition! 

The Ministry of Health (MOH) and the Economic Society of Singapore (ESS) are calling on young minds to participate and spark insightful discussions on applying health economics to Singapore’s healthcare system.

Attractive Awards

The winning essays will be selected by a panel of judges comprising representatives from the ESS and MOH. The following awards will be given to the winning essays:

First Prize         $ 3,000

Second Prize    $ 2,000

Third Prize        $ 1,000

Essay Topic

Resource Allocation in Singapore’s Healthcare System

In Singapore, the demand for healthcare continues to grow amidst our rapidly ageing population. By contrast, the supply of healthcare resources is limited and sticky due to the time and effort needed to train healthcare professionals and build infrastructure. As such, there is increasing pressure on the government to ensure that healthcare resources are allocated fairly and efficiently across various stakeholders in Singapore.

Essay questions:
(a) How should the government allocate resources in our healthcare system amidst competing needs such as those brought about by an ageing population, as well as Singaporean's desire for high quality medical care?

(b) What are some of the principles the government can adopt to ensure that healthcare resources are allocated in the best way possible to maximise the benefits on health and well-being of Singaporeans?

The essay should be well researched and provide fresh perspectives. It should also be written in a way that is accessible to a wide audience. Charts and tables may be used, while equations (or derivations) should be avoided.

The essay must be original in content. Entries found to contain plagiarism will be disqualified. Although essays may draw on existing work, they should be materially different in terms of analysis, style of arguments, perspectives, or conclusions. A bibliography acknowledging references to existing work is required.

Rules and Regulations

This competition is opened to youths aged 18 to 35 years old living in Singapore, as well as Singaporean youths living abroad. The essay should not be more than 2500 words and must be submitted no later than 13 August 2024, 2359 (GMT +8).

1. All entries must be accompanied by a completed entry form(s), signed by the author(s). For joint authorship, only one entry form is required. Submission on behalf of an institution or firm is not permitted.

2. Members of the judging committee (and their immediate family members) are not eligible to enter the essay competition.

3. Entries must be in English and typed double-spaced on one side of each sheet of paper.The essay should not be more than 2500 words (to be strictly followed). This excludes charts, tables, footnotes, references, and appendices.

4. A summary of no more than 300 words highlighting the main points of the essay must also be provided.  For submission, follow the format as seen below:

  1. Cover page must contain the Essay Title and Author(s) and School (if applicable)
  2. Summary
  3. Contents

Essay should be submitted in word or pdf format only. Jpeg format will not be accepted.

5. Entries should be sent online at Essays received on-line will be acknowledged.

6. MOH-ESS Essay Competition Judging Committee reserves the right not to award any or all the prizes. The ESS also reserves the sole copyright to all submissions. All Entrants shall grant the Economic Society of Singapore a non-exclusive, royalty-free license to publish their Entry, in whole or in part, for any purpose, in any medium.

7. Only winning participants will be contacted upon the finalisation of the results.

8. The awards ceremony may be held in conjunction with the Singapore Economic Policy Forum. All prize-winning essays will be posted on the ESS websites.

9. Please send any inquiries to the ESS-MOH Essay Competition Coordinator to the email address: