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Feedback topics
Hospital/Polyclinic Matters
Step 1: Read the Inquiries and Complaints Guide which better assures you that your concern or complaint will reach the right service provider.
Step 2: Identify the relevant service provider to investigate and respond to you, in the interest of time.
Change appointment date or request an earlier appointment
Enquire about billing or financial matters, e.g. itemised billing or financial discrepancy
Feedback on medical care management while being an inpatient or outpatient
Feedback on service quality of medical staff, i.e. doctor, nurse, healthcare professional
Tip: Use the drop-down menu within the weblinks, to browse and select the relevant hospital/polyclinic.
a) National Healthcare Group* (NHG) and NHG Polyclinics
*Includes Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Institute of Mental Health and National Skin Centre
b) National University Hospital (NUH) and NUH Polyclinics
c) SingHealth Hospitals and SingHealth Polyclinics
Regulatory and Compliance Matters
Step 1: If you are not satisfied with your service provider’s reply, concerning regulatory or compliance matters, you can write to the MOH, Singapore Medical Council (SMC), Singapore Nursing Board (SNB), Singapore Dental Council (SDC), Singapore Mediation Centre.
Step 2: Identify the specific organisation which can investigate and respond to your concerns.
MediShield Life
If you have any feedback or enquiries regarding MediShield Life premiums and payment matters, you can write to CPF.
If you wish to update your household member(s), income and/or property information for your subsidy eligibility under MediShield Life and other selected healthcare schemes, please submit your request through this online form.
Feedback form submission
Please select the relevant form/category below:
Updating of Per Capita Household Income (PCHI) Thresholds for MOH means-tested subsidy schemes and grants
As announced at Budget 2024, the Government will revise the monthly PCHI thresholds for MOH means-tested subsidy schemes and grants from 4Q 2024.
MOH provides means-tested subsidies and grants to support Singaporeans with the costs of healthcare and associated social support services, with higher subsidies extended to lower-income groups. Taking into consideration changes in household incomes, and the costs of healthcare and associated social support services, MOH will be revising the monthly PCHI thresholds for means-tested healthcare and associated social support schemes and services. These revisions aim to improve affordability and ensure that Singaporeans with greater needs receive continued support.