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MOH is committed to providing an efficient and fair resolution of public disputes to enhance our healthcare delivery system. We recognise that things can sometimes go wrong. We aim to respond positively to any complaints and improve our processes from your feedback.
To facilitate this process, we hope that the below step-by-step outline of procedures will be of help to you in lodging your specific concerns or complaints with the healthcare service providers or the Ministry.
Knowing how and where to channel your specific concerns could help you resolve the issue more speedily and saves you time and effort as well.
What can I do if I have a complaint?
You should initially raise your concern with the specific healthcare provider ie person dealing with your case. A simple misunderstanding may have arisen which can be easily resolved. You may find that your question or complaint can be satisfied in this way, informally. However, if this is not possible, you can ask for the issue to be considered as an official complaint.
At this stage, you can lodge your complaint with the Healthcare Institution (HCI) either in writing by letter or e-mail. It would be helpful if you could define the cause of your dissatisfaction in terms of the above criteria i.e. omission, lack of quality or inappropriate conduct. Get to know who your case manager is. In writing to the HCIs, please include your full particulars (ie. Name, NRIC, gender, age, contact address and contact number).
Stage 1: Issues management at healthcare provider level
The list of issues and service response time is indicated for your reference. As responsible HCIs, they should try to resolve your concerns. If you are not satisfied with the person who you are dealing with, then ask to escalate it to the person’s reporting officer.
Nature of complaint | Instituition | Response Time | ||
Public/Private Healthcare Institutions
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Specific Healthcare Institution (HCI) | 7 - 21 days |
Stage 2: Escalation
If you are not satisfied with the reply from the healthcare institution you complained against, you can write to MOH, SMC, SNB, SDC, Singapore Mediation Centre or the private healthcare institutions listings, according to the nature of your complaint. In proceeding with this stage, please furnish the stage two institutions with the original complaint, all the written correspondences between the HCI and yourself/family
Nature of complaint | Instituition | Response Time | ||
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Ministry of Health | 7 - 21 days | |||
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Singapore Medical Council | General enquiries: | |||
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Singapore Nursing Board | General enquiries: | |||
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Singapore Dental Council | Resolution with SD: | |||
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Singapore Dental Association | Initial response within three days | |||
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Singapore Pharmacy Council | General enquiries: | |||
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TCM Practitioners Board | General enquiries: | |||
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MOH Holdings Pte Ltd, Healthcare Mediation Scheme | 1 - 2 days during mediation |
Role of the Medical Mediation Scheme in the public healthcare complaints management system