Progress Report for the National Strategic Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance (2018-2020)

14 Apr 2022

Progress Report for the National Strategic Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance (2018-2020)

In November 2017, Singapore’s National Strategic Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance was developed to provide a framework to unify and strengthen action to combat AMR across the human, animal, food and environment sectors. The Plan aims to reduce the emergence and prevent the spread of drug-resistant organisms through five core strategies: (i) Education; (ii) Surveillance and Risk Assessment; (iii) Research; (iv) Prevention and Control of Infection; and (v) Optimisation of Antimicrobial Use.

The Progress Report (2018-2020), jointly published by the Ministry of Health, Health Promotion Board, National Environment Agency, National Parks Board, PUB, Singapore’s National Water Agency and Singapore Food agency, supported by the Antimicrobial Resistance Coordinating Office, describes the progress of implementation of the National Strategic Action Plan by national bodies since its launch, the challenges faced and the next steps forward.

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