Updates on Border Measures For Travellers From Fiji and Israel
14 June 2021
This article has been migrated from an earlier version of the site and may display formatting inconsistencies.
The Multi-Ministry Taskforce regularly reviews Singapore’s border measures to manage the risk of importation from travellers and onward local transmission, taking into account the current situation in their source countries/ regions, and will be updating our border measures for travellers from Fiji and Israel.
Travellers from Fiji to serve 21-Day SHN at dedicated SHN facilities
2. We had previously announced that all travellers from Fiji are subject to a 21-day Stay-Home Notice (SHN) consisting of 14-day SHN at dedicated SHN facilities and an additional 7 days at a place of residence or self-sourced accommodation.
3. Given the worsening situation in Fiji, we will be tightening border measures for travellers from Fiji. With immediate effect, all travellers entering Singapore who have travel history in the past 21 days to Fiji will be required to serve a 21-day SHN at dedicated SHN facilities.
a) Travellers who have not completed their 14-day SHN at dedicated SHN facilities by 16 June 2021, 2359 hours [1], will be required to serve the additional 7-days at their current dedicated SHN facility. These travellers will be contacted regarding the additional costs to be paid.b) Travellers who are currently serving their SHN at a place of residence or self-sourced accommodation will be required to complete their 21-day SHN at their current location to minimise movement and risk of transmission.
Travellers from Israel to serve 14-Day SHN at dedicated SHN facilities and 7 days at their place of residence4. We had previously announced that all travellers from Israel are subject to a 21-day SHN at dedicated SHN facilities
5. Given the improving situation in Israel, we will adopt a risk-based approach and travellers from Israel who have remained in Israel in the last 21 days before arrival in Singapore from 16 Jun 2021, 2359 hours, will be subject to a 21-day SHN consisting of 14-day SHN at dedicated SHN facilities and an additional 7 days at a place of residence or self-sourced accommodation.
6. All travellers serving 21-day SHN will undergo COVID-19 polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests on-arrival [2], on Day 14 of their SHN, and before the end of their 21-day SHN period.
7. As the global situation evolves, we will continue to adjust our border measures to manage the risk of importation and transmission to the community. Any changes to border measures will be updated on the SafeTravel website.
14 JUNE 2021
[1] Travellers who complete their 14-day SHN at dedicated SHN facilities before 16 June 2021, 2359 hours can serve the additional 7-days SHN at a place of residence.
[2] To expedite the COVID-19 PCR test at the airport, travellers are strongly encouraged to register and pre-pay for their on-arrival COVID-19 PCR test prior to departing for Singapore at https://safetravel.changiairport.com/.