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09 Apr 2003
As at 9 April 03, 75 SARS patients have been discharged. 42 SARS patients remain hospitalised.
There were 8 additional SARS cases reported today, 7 of whom are linked to the SGH cluster comprising 5 SGH staff, 1 inpatient and 1 visitor. The 8th additional case is a friend of the MediaCorp staff who was reported yesterday. He was in contact with the MediaCorp staff when she was unwell.
So far, 46 persons are linked to the SGH cluster at Wards 57 and 58, comprising 14 probable and 32 suspect SARS cases. They comprise 26 SGH staff, 13 visitors and 7 inpatients. In addition, 9 SGH staff were admitted for observation. All are stable except for two who are in serious condition in intensive care. Apart from ring fencing the staff and inpatients from Ward 57 and 58 at TTSH, SGH has implemented mandatory twice daily temperature checks for all staff, the use of N95 masks by all their staff and has limited visitors to the wards. Epidemiological investigations are in progress to determine the source of the infection.
Health screening for incoming air passengers
All passengers from SARS affected countries disembarking at Changi Airport were required to complete a Health Declaration Card since 7 Apr 03. This was extended to all passengers and crew arriving by sea yesterday, 8 Apr 03. From today, this requirement would be further extended to include passengers from all incoming flights who disembark at Changi Airport.
Today, 25 passengers from affected areas required further screening by the nurses at the airport. None were referred to TTSH for further assessment.
Summary of SARS cases
To date, the total number of people diagnosed with SARS is 126. Among these are 3 children below 18 years of age. Out of the 42 patients still hospitalised, 14 are in intensive care. Since yesterday, there were 2 new admissions into the intensive care. The new cases are a visitor to SGH Ward 57/58 and the MediaCorp staff.
The number of suspect cases admitted is 82, including 3 children (below 18 years old). The number of people under Home Quarantine Orders is 286.
Travel advisory
MOH urges the public to heed World Health Organisation (WHO)'s advice to postpone travel to Hong Kong and Guangdong until another time. We would also like to advise the public to avoid travel to other SARS affected areas - Shanxi, Taiwan, Hanoi and Toronto, unless absolutely necessary.