Take-up rate for Pioneer Generation Package
19 January 2015
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19 January 2015
Question No. 394
Name and Constituency of Member of Parliament
Mr Christopher de Souza
MP for Holland-Bukit Timah GRC
To ask the Minister for Health what has been the take-up rate under the Pioneer Generation Package for subsidised treatment at (i) polyclinics and Specialist Outpatient Clinics; and (ii) private medical and dental clinics under the Community Health Assist Scheme.
1 The Government introduced the Pioneer Generation Package in recognition of our Pioneers’ contributions to nation building. From 1 September 2014, Pioneer patients receive an additional 50% off subsidised services at polyclinics and subsidised Specialist Outpatient Clinics (SOCs). All Pioneers can benefit from special Community Health Assist Scheme (CHAS) subsidies when they visit private medical and dental clinics under the scheme. More recently, since 1 January 2015, Pioneers also receive an additional 50% off subsidised medications at polyclinics and subsidised SOCs.
2 Over a 3-month period from September to November 2014, about 300,000 Pioneers have made a visit to the subsidised SOCs, polyclinics or CHAS clinics. There were about 250,000 visits by Pioneers to the subsidised SOCs, 330,000 visits by Pioneers to the polyclinics, and 340,000 visits by Pioneers to CHAS clinics. A total of $27 million in additional special subsidies were received by the Pioneers for these visits.