Subsidies for immunisations for children and elderly
11 October 2016
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Name and Constituency of Member of Parliament
Miss Cheng Li Hui
MP for Tampines GRC
Question No. 570
To ask the Minister for Health whether the Ministry will consider extending the full subsidies for compulsory childhood immunisations recommended under the National Childhood Immunisation Programme for all children who are Singapore citizens at private GP clinics.
Question No. 571
To ask the Minister for Health whether the Ministry will consider providing free immunisations against influenza, T-dap, pneumococcal pneumonia (both Pneumo23 and Pneumo13) and herpes zoster infections for elderly Singaporeans.
Written Answer
1. The Ministry of Health (MOH) is guided by the Expert Committee on Immunisation (ECI)’s recommendations, in deciding on the use of Medisave and provision of subsidies. Medisave use is allowed for all recommended vaccinations. We also provide full subsidies at the polyclinics for children who are Singaporean citizens for vaccines that are recommended for preventing disease outbreaks in the community, such as the compulsory childhood vaccinations for measles and diphtheria.
2. Medisave can be used for influenza and Pneumo23 vaccines recommended for high-risk groups, such as the elderly and suffering from chronic diseases. Based on the ECI’s advice in August 2016, MOH is reviewing the use of Medisave for the Pneumo13 vaccine.
3. In addition, subsidies for influenza have been extended to Singaporeans who are subsidised residents in nursing homes. The ECI does not recommend diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus and herpes zoster vaccinations for the elderly.
4. Currently, every Singapore citizen baby receives a $4,000 government grant in their Medisave accounts. This grant can be used for medical expenses, and all vaccinations under the National Childhood Immunisation Schedule (NCIS). There are also other government measures, such as the Baby Bonus scheme, which can also be used for NCIS vaccinations, including at accredited private GP and paediatrician clinics. Through Medisave and the Baby Bonus, the cost of these vaccinations are thus fully supported by Government even at private clinics.
5. MOH will continue to review our vaccination policies based on professional inputs from the ECI, to ensure accessibility and affordability for Singaporeans.