Speech by Mr Ong Ye Kung, Minister for Health, Singapore Chinese Physicians' Association 75th Anniversary Celebration & Opening Ceremony of 2021 Singapore International Chinese Medicine Summit Symposium, 12 December 2021
12 December 2021
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1. 恭贺新加坡中医师公会75周年快乐。
2. 新加坡中医师公会的起源可以追溯到二战之后的1946年。当时,本地一群中医师商讨要成立一个公会、团结同仁,并且提升中医师的行医水平。他们当初的目的简单又直接,为本地中医药过去数十年的发展,奠定了重要的基础。
3. 过去75年,中医师公会达成了许多里程碑。这包括在1952年成立新加坡中华医院,以及隔年成立新加坡中医学院。在上世纪六七十年代,中医师公会成立了如今中华医药研究院和中华针灸研究院。这些机构现在可以说是家喻户晓的老字号,在社会和医疗保健方面扮演着重要的角色。
4. 至今,中医师公会已经成为本地最大的中医团体。
5. 现在,我们最大的敌人是2019冠状病毒。在这同时,慢性疾病发病率不断上升的这个趋势一直都是我们长期需要应付的挑战。
6. 面对慢性疾病,所有医生,不论您是中医、西医或印度医生,都会认同“预防胜于治疗”。健康的生活方式、良好的饮食习惯,并且保持愉快和乐观的心态是很重要的。
7. 这不是一个全新的概念。2000多年前,《黄帝内经》 就已经提出了养生三法:“饮食有节、起居有常、不妄劳作”。只要保持阴阳平衡,百病可消。
8. 这也是卫生部目前的核心政策。我们不断地投入资源到基层及社区医疗护理,也更加注重推广健康生活。保健促进局专门负责这方面的工作。我认为中医药在这方面有很大的潜力,可以在社区里帮助管理慢性疾病患者。
9. 因此,卫生部会继续支持中医药界的发展,包括扩大中医药在本地医疗体系中扮演的角色。其中一个项目是卫生部在2014年推出的800万元中医药研究基金,鼓励中西医合作开展临床研究项目。至今,我们已拨款支持19个研究项目。通过中西医双方的紧密合作,西医可以多了解中医,中医师也可以展开更多的临床研究。
10. 卫生部也加强了对中医界专业发展的支持,这包括2018年推出的500万元中医药发展补助金,至今已经协助了超过50家中医诊所提升诊所设施、举办了11场中医药会议及论坛,以及帮助许多中医师抵消他们延续教育课程的部分费用。
11. 这个月,我们也正式成立了两个由各大中医机构代表所组成的工作小组,探讨如何加强对新注册医师的临床培训,以及为中医师设计一套职业与薪酬指导原则。
12. 我们必须认识到中医药是一套完整的医学知识和实践,有数千年的历史,是华人重要文化遗产的一部分。
13. 我很高兴看到中医药越来越受到国际认可。世界卫生组织(WHO)旗下的世界卫生大会(World Health Assembly,WHA)每隔数十年会出版该组织的《国际疾病分类》(International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems,简称ICD)。
14. ICD 是一份非常重要的国际文件。它对数以千计的疾病进行分类,并且影响医生的诊断方式、保险公司如何决定保险覆盖范围、流行病专家如何展开研究、卫生官员如何诠释死亡数据等。
15. 第11版的ICD将于2022年1月1日生效,而且会第一次包括传统医药的分类制度,也会把中医药视为国际医疗保健重要的一部分。
16. 在本地,中医师公会可以继续推广中医药在全国保健策略中,所扮演的角色。随着西医更注重预防性保健护理,而中医药更注重教育和科研,我期待两者能更紧密地互相学习,为国人提供更好的医疗照顾。
17. 最后,我要感谢本地所有中医社团和中医师们,在过去两年来持续不断地支持,和政府配合,一同对抗冠病疫情。作为病人非常信任的医护人员,你们能够说服和鼓励人民,尤其是年长者,前去接种冠病疫苗和追加剂。每一剂疫苗都有可能挽救一个人的生命。
18. 我们现在面临未知的奥密克戎(Omicron)。对于接下来的情况,我们不知道它是否会成为更大的敌人或救星,但奥密克戎很可能在接下去的几个月,会传播全球,包括新加坡,并在每个社会扎根。我希望能继续得到中医界的支持,克服我们下来可能面对的任何挑战。
19. 最后,祝愿大家在国际中医药高层论坛收获满满。
English translation of Minister's speech
Professor Teo Eng Kiat, President of Singapore Chinese Physicians Association (SCPA)
Board of Directors of SCPA
Members of SCPA
Ladies and Gentlemen
1. Congratulations to the Singapore Chinese Physicians Association (SCPA) on its 75th anniversary.
SCPA’s Milestones
2. The story of SCPA dates back to 1946, after World War II. At that time, a group of Chinese physicians in Singapore gathered to discuss the setup of an organisation to unify the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) community and improve the practice of TCM. While the objectives were simple, they had far-reaching implications for local development of TCM in the following decades.
3. Over the past 75 years, SCPA has crossed significant milestones. In 1952 and 1953 respectively, SCPA established the Singapore Chung Hwa Medical Institution and Singapore College of TCM. In the 1960s and 70s, SCPA went on to set up what is now known as the Chung Hwa Medical and Drugs Research Institute and the Chung Hwa Acupuncture Research Institute. These institutions are now familiar household names, playing significant social and healthcare roles.
4. 75 years on, SCPA remains the largest TCM association in Singapore.
TCM’s Role in Managing Chronic Illnesses
5. While we face our biggest enemy COVID-19 today, the rise in incidence of chronic diseases will always be a constant healthcare challenge.
6. When it comes to chronic diseases, all doctors, regardless whether you are a Chinese, Indian or Western doctor, know that prevention is better than cure. This means leading a healthy lifestyle, having a good diet, and staying happy and optimistic.
7. This is not a new concept. More than 2,000 years ago, the “Emperor’s Canon of Internal Medicine” had already started to recommend the need for a balanced diet and work-life balance to maintain good health. With Yin and Yang balanced, it keeps illnesses at bay.
8. Today, that is Ministry of Health’s (MOH) core policy. We have progressively strengthened healthcare resources in the primary and community care settings, and placed greater emphasis in promoting healthy living. The Health Promotion Board (HPB) is dedicated to do this. And I think, there is potential for TCM to play in the management of chronic conditions in our society.
9. MOH will therefore continue to support the TCM sector, including for it to play a larger role in our healthcare sector. One initiative is the $8 million TCM Research Grant in 2014, which aims to promote research collaborations between western doctors and TCM Practitioners. To date, 19 projects have been awarded. Such collaborations would allow western doctors to understand more about TCM, and TCM practitioners conduct more clinical research.
10. MOH has also stepped up support for the professional development of the TCM sector, including through the $5 million TCM Development Grant launched in 2018. It supported over 50 TCM clinics in upgrading their clinics and IT facilities, eleven TCM conferences and forums, and TCM Continuing Professional Education course fees for many students.
11. This month, we also appointed two workgroups, with representatives from the major TCM organisations, to explore how to further enhance clinical training for newly registered TCMPs, and a career and remuneration guideline for TCM practitioners.
International Recognition of TCM
12. We need to recognise that TCM is a complete set of medical knowledge and practice, with a history of several thousand years, and an important part of Chinese cultural heritage.
13. I am glad to see its rising international recognition. Every few decades, the World Health Organization’s governing body, the World Health Assembly, will publish the organisation’s global compendium, known as the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, or ICD.
14. The ICD is a very significant global document. It categorises thousands of diseases, and affects how physicians make diagnoses, insurance companies determine coverage, epidemiologists ground their research and health officials interpret mortality statistics.
15. The 11th revision of the ICD will come into effect on 1 Jan 2022. For the first time, the ICD will feature a classification system on traditional medicine, and will make TCM an integral part of global healthcare.
16. Locally, SCPA can continue to promote TCM and its role in our national healthcare strategy. With the practice of Western medicine focusing more on preventive care, and Chinese medicine focusing more on education and research, I look forward to the two worlds gravitating closer towards each other, to provide better care for our people.
17. Finally, I would like to thank all TCM associations and practitioners for your continued support and cooperation in the fight against COVID-19 over the past two years. As trusted healthcare providers to your patients, you have been able to persuade and encourage your patients, especially the elderly, to receive the COVID-19 vaccinations and booster. Every vaccination could be a life saved.
18. We are now facing the unknown Omicron. We don’t know if Omicron will turn out to be a bigger enemy or savior, but Omicron is likely to spread globally, including Singapore, in the next few months, and establish itself in every society. I hope to continue to count on the support of the TCM community to overcome what challenges that may come our way.
19. I wish you a fruitful Symposium.