Speech by Mr Gan Kim Yong, Minister for Health, at Caregiving @ South West - Launch of Support for Caregivers' Initiatives
1 December 2018
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Ms Low Yen Ling, Mayor, South West District
Mr Foo Hee Jug, Deputy Chief Executive, National University Health System, and Chairman, South West Community Development Council’s (CDC) Healthy and Active Lifestyle Functional Committee
Dr Kenny Tan, Chief Executive Officer, St Luke’s ElderCare Ltd, and District Councillor, South West CDC’s Social Service Functional Committee
Distinguished Guests
Ladies and Gentlemen
1. Good morning. I am happy to join everyone this morning to celebrate the launch of Caregiving @ South West.
Delivering care beyond hospital to community
2. Currently, one in seven Singaporeans is aged 65 years or above. By 2030, this number will grow to around one in four. Many of our seniors tell us that they would like to grow old in the community they are familiar with. We have therefore been working on providing Singaporeans with suitable care options closer to home, so that our seniors are supported to age well in the community.
3. To better prepare for the future, the Ministry of Health (MOH) has been investing in the primary care and intermediate and long term care sectors to enhance care in the community. We are building more polyclinics and started the Primary Care Network scheme earlier this year with more than 300 general practitioner clinics on-board. We have also been ramping up capacity in aged care services in the community. We are on track to offer 6,200 day places and 10,000 home care places by 2020, to serve the needs of the elderly across the island. For frail seniors who need nursing home care, we have also expanded nursing home capacity, and will have 17,000 nursing home beds available by 2020.
4. To build communities of care, we are steadily expanding the Community Networks for Seniors nationwide to bring together various agencies and partners to promote active ageing and keep our seniors well, extend befriending services to those living alone, as well as link up health and social support for frail elderly within the community.
Strengthening caregiver support
5. Even as we continue to ramp up our community care services, we recognise that caregivers play a key role in supporting seniors within the community. With our rapidly ageing demographics, and with family sizes shrinking, the challenges of caregiving will increase over time.
6. Seniors and caregivers can access the range of eldercare services, including day care, home care and respite care services to meet their caregiving needs. They can also tap on the Seniors’ Mobility and Enabling Fund for subsidies on the cost of assistive devices and home healthcare items. In addition, caregivers who wish to learn about how to better care for their loved ones can attend courses with the Caregivers Training Grant. Seniors and caregivers who require more information or assistance can approach the AICare Links in restructured hospitals, or call the Singapore Silver Line.
Supporting caregivers in the community
7. Ultimately however, we need a whole-of-society effort, to care for our seniors. For this reason, MOH is leading a review to strengthen support for senior caregiving, to identify opportunities to strengthen care navigation in the community, improve caregiver support services and empower caregivers.
8. Community support is a key pillar for caregivers in their caregiving journey. I am encouraged to know that South West CDC has started the first district-based programme dedicated to caregivers, known as Caregiving @ South West. It is anchored around three key themes – celebrating caregivers, supporting caregivers, and empowering them on their journey. This is possible through better awareness of caregiving challenges, and access to useful information, referrals and financial support. Mayor Low will be providing more information about the programme in her message later. We hope Caregiving @ South West will help to better meet the needs of the seniors and caregivers living in the South West District.
9. One of the caregivers, Ms Elizabeth Swee, left her job earlier this year to look after her bed-bound father. Her father was diagnosed with dementia and had suffered a stroke in 2012. With his condition deteriorating over the years, he requires assistance with activities of daily living such as eating and showering. Access to home nursing and home medical services has helped Elizabeth in her caregiving journey by giving her peace of mind that her father is being cared for. The Senior Mobility Fund has also helped to defray the cost of consumables, such as diapers.
10. With the South West CDC’s new programme, caregivers like Elizabeth can now also tap on community resources to apply for additional financial assistance, and to access information about eldercare services in South West, as well as to learn relevant self-care tips. South West CDC will also publicise useful resources within the South West community, so that residents can be better equipped to provide social and emotional support to our caregivers in the community.
11. We want to encourage more of such local efforts, where grassroots organisations reach out to those who need support. As MOH reviews our support for caregivers, we also welcome your ideas and suggestions. You can feel free to write in to our dedicated feedback channel at wecare@moh.gov.sg.
12. All of us can lend our support to help the elderly and their caregivers in our midst. Every little action goes a long way – whether it is helping a neighbour to care for their loved ones if they need to run an errand or looking out for seniors in the community who may be lost. I am therefore heartened that the South West CDC has stepped up to rally the community to strengthen support for caregivers. Providing more direct and holistic support to caregivers will only be possible when all of us do our part, and work closely together to build an integrated and seamless community care network for seniors and their caregivers.
13. I look forward to hearing more about South West CDC’s initiatives to support caregivers. I wish everyone a good day ahead.
Thank you.