Speech by Mr Chee Hong Tat, Senior Minister of State for Health at the Singapore College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Graduation Ceremony, 3 Sep 2017
3 September 2017
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Mr Teo Eng Kiat, Chairman of Singapore College of TCM
Distinguished guests
Good afternoon!
I am happy to be here at the Singapore College of TCM (SCTCM) 2017 graduation ceremony. First, let me extend my heartiest congratulations to the 247 graduands who overcame personal, family and work challenges and difficulties to finally achieve success today. Besides your own hard work, you would not be able to enjoy the fruits of your labour without the encouragement and support from your family, teachers and friends.
2 卫生部将在未来五年拨款500万推动中医药疗法的研究,以鼓励更多中医科研项目的开展。另外500万则将用于建立中医药发展补助金,帮助提升中医从业员的技能和能力。除此之外,卫生部也将把中医继续教育(CTE)列为更新执业证书的必备条件,以鼓励中医师不断的学习并且掌握有关疾病管理的最新知识。这些措施不仅是为了提升中医的专业水平,也为了给予病人更好的照料。
MOH will provide a further funding of $5 million over the next five years for the TCM Research Grant to encourage more collaborative TCM research projects. Another $5 million will be channelled to establish the TCM Development Grant to strengthen the capability and capacity of the TCM industry. In addition, MOH also intends to move towards implementing CTE as a requirement for the renewal of practicing certificates, to encourage TCMPs to stay relevant by engaging in continuous learning and acquire new knowledge in disease management. All these initiatives will not only help to improve professional standards of TCM practitioners, but also translate to better care and improved care outcomes for patients.
3 新加坡与各发达国家一样,都共同面临着慢性病、人口老龄化等健康问题。随着我国人口老龄化,国人对医疗需求的提高,因而也对中医药疗法的需求相对地增加。中医药能在应对我国人口老龄化的医疗需求中扮演重要的角色。
Many developed countries are facing healthcare challenges of an ageing population as well as growing burden of chronic diseases. Singapore is no exception. As the population ages, there will be a corresponding increase in demand for healthcare services. TCM can play an important complementary role in addressing the healthcare needs of our ageing population.
4 在新加坡,糖尿病是一个严重健康问题。在每九个18至69岁的新加坡人当中,就有一名患有糖尿病,而且年龄越高,糖尿病越普及。在60岁以上,每3名国人当中就有1人患病。当中有三分之一的患者不知道自己已经患有糖尿病。糖尿病及其慢性并发症不仅给患者带来病痛,也对家庭有所影响。中医中药在这方面有望扮演重要的辅助医疗作用。中西医应该携手合作开展科研,通过资料的收集和统计证明,在用西药为病患降血糖的同时,中医中药也能发挥所长,一起为糖尿病及其并发症的预防,控制和治疗起到优势互补的作用。
In Singapore, diabetes is a serious health concern. One in nine Singapore residents aged 18 to 69 years has diabetes[1], and the prevalence of diabetes increases with age; 1 in 3 over the age of 60 has diabetes. Among those with the condition, one in three are unaware that they have diabetes. Diabetes and its resulting complications affect not only the patient but also the patient’s family. There is potential for TCM to play an important complementary role in this aspect. I hope that western doctors can work collaboratively with TCM practitioners to conduct evidence-based research on how TCM could be used to complement the use of western medicine to prevent the development of diabetes or diabetes-related conditions, and in disease management.
5 中医和中药,为病患提供医疗和养生保健的服务,必需拥有与时并进的医学技术。与此同时,中医界也可以借助电脑科技,从而提高研究和学术水平,改善整体运作,迈向更专业化的服务水平。我希望各位毕业生在各自的领域中学以致用,为广大病患者和老年人群提供专业及优质的医疗和保健服务。我也希望你们能不断提升自己的知识和技能,积极奉献于社会,做一名医术精湛和兼具高尚医德的医者,为我国中医药事业作出贡献。
Good professional training and strong skillset are necessary for TCM to be used effectively for treatment and health promotion. At the same time, the TCM community could leverage on the use of IT technology to facilitate research and improve overall processes for better delivery of patient services. and of I hope all of you will continue to learn and strengthen your professional knowledge and skills to provide better care for your patients, and to be a practitioner who is not only well-versed in TCM principles but who upholds the highest level of professional ethics and conduct so as to contribute to the further development of TCM in Singapore.
6 在此,我衷心祝贺各位毕业生事业顺利,也祝各位嘉宾和朋友们身体健康。谢谢!
I wish all graduands success in your future endeavours and good health to one and all! Thank you!
[1] National Health Survey 2010