Speech by Mr Chee Hong Tat, Minister of State for Health, at the Celebrations for Active Learners 2016, 18 May
14 June 2016
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1. 活跃乐龄理事会行政总裁苏瑞萍女士,飞跃家庭服务中心主席汤玲玲博士, 各位毕业生,来宾,各位先生女士们,大家下午好。非常荣幸和大家一起庆祝今天的终生学习庆典。
2. 首先,我要向所有在场的500多位毕业生表达衷心的祝贺。你们证明了年龄不是学习新知识和技能的障碍。我很开心你们选择在飞跃家庭教育中心接受培训。
3. 重回校园的乐龄人士告诉我,他们上课后更能够应付人生的各种挑战, 也通过这些课程交了很多新朋友,有更多机会帮助社区里的弱势群体, 回馈社会。例如67岁的退休人士黄庆发先生。 黄先生报读了“乐龄,活得精彩!”课程。这项老年学课程教导年长者如何优雅地迈入晚年。他学习到如何跟他人沟通,如何照顾自己的健康,如何过着活跃的乐龄生活。
4. 为此,我们成立了全国乐龄学苑,让年长者有更多机会参与终身学习。全国乐龄学苑是一个由几家教育机构、学府和民间组织所组成的网络,主要为乐龄人士开办课程。政府与工艺教育学院、理工学院、大学及艺术学院以及社区机构如飞跃家庭教育中心合作,为乐龄人士提供更多元化的学习机会。我们将首先推出500项课程,供50岁及以上的新加坡人士报读。
5. 全国乐龄学苑的课程将在下个月展开,已经开始接受报名。飞跃家庭教育中心和几个社区机构都有开办华语课程。例如飞跃家庭教育中心的“基础心理学”和 “乐龄人际修养”。
6. 最后,我要祝贺飞跃社区服务在新加坡服务了25年, 这是值得庆祝的一个重要里程碑。飞跃社区服务致力为不同社群和人士提供卓越优质的服务,使我们的社会更和谐美好。在这喜庆的日子,我恭贺所有毕业生,并鼓励大家在自我发展和终生学习的旅途中继续努力, 并取得更大的成功。谢谢。
7. It is my pleasure to be here with you this afternoon at the Celebration Ceremony for Senior Graduands cum Fei Yue’s 25th Anniversary.
8. I would like to extend my heartiest congratulations to all the 500 graduands who are here this afternoon. All of you are role models of lifelong learning. Indeed, we should all embrace our longer life years with positive attitude, continue to learn and grow, just like our graduands today. All of you personify successful ageing.
9. The government has set up the National Silver Academy that offers some 500 courses for seniors age 50 years and above. Registration is now open, courses will start from next month and I urge all who are interested to join our graduands to embark on this meaningful journey of lifelong learning. I would like to congratulate Fei Yue Community Services for 25 years of excellent social services and helping enrich the lives of our seniors. You and your volunteers have made a positive difference to Singapore and Singaporeans.
10. Thank you and have a pleasant day.