Speech by Minister for Health Mr Gan Kim Yong at the Singapore Thong Chai Medical Institution’s Foreign Experts TCM Symposium
23 September 2012
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Distinguished guests
Ladies and gentlemen
Good morning everyone. To our distinguished delegates from overseas, a warm welcome to Singapore.
2 I am happy to be here this morning to officiate the Foreign Experts TCM Symposium, organized by the Singapore Thong Chai Medical Institution. I am also very heartened to see many of our local TCM practitioners present today. This demonstrates your commitment to constantly upgrade your professional knowledge and skills to keep pace with changes in the TCM landscape. This will, in turn, enhance the standards of TCM practice. I would like to congratulate the Singapore Thong Chai Medical Institution for providing an opportunity for foreign TCM experts to exchange and share their expertise and experience with our local practitioners through this symposium.
3 Singaporeans are living longer. Over the next two decades, Singapore’s population will age rapidly. By 2030, there will be one senior above 65 years of age, for every five of us. As our population ages, the prevention and management of chronic diseases will become increasingly important. Healthcare professionals, including TCM practitioners, must equip and upgrade their professional skills to meet these new challenges.
4 The TCM community has made numerous strides over the past decade, especially in terms of TCM education. In 2005, the Nanyang Technological University launched its double degree programme in biomedical sciences and TCM to equip prospective TCM physicians with knowledge in modern biology and research methods. Since 2006, our local TCM educational institutions have been upgrading their diploma courses to degree-level courses. The educational standards and quality of our TCM practitioners have risen considerably over the last decade. This bodes well for us. With better trained TCM physicians, we can all enjoy better quality of care in TCM health maintenance and disease prevention.
5 It is similarly important to ensure that our regulations evolve constantly with scientific improvements and new discoveries, to keep our healthcare policies relevant.
6 Considerable changes in the regulatory landscape have occurred since 1978, where infrastructures for TCM regulation have gradually evolved in Singapore. The compulsory registration of TCM practitioners in 2002 tightened the standards of TCM practice here. Regulatory control for Chinese Proprietary Medicines (CPM), which are required to be approved by the Health Sciences Authority (HSA) before sale, was also implemented in 2001.
7 It was also because of these regulatory enhancements that the HSA is able to facilitate the TCM community’s access to berberine. In 1978, berberine, a naturally occurring substance found in commonly used Chinese herbs such as Rhizoma coptidis and Cortex phellodendri (黄连,黄柏) was prohibited due to local safety concerns that berberine could cause severe jaundice and brain damage in glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficient babies. HSA, together with its expert committees, have been monitoring the situation over the years. Ongoing reviews on the safety profile of berberine, including published safety reports on the use of berberine herbs in babies and surveillance reports from China, Taiwan and Hong Kong, have been conducted progressively. The review outcome indicated that berberine when used appropriately, is safe for use for the general population..
8 I am pleased to announce that a phased approach will be adopted for the lifting of the prohibition on berberine. This decision is based on the recommendations of HSA's expert committees and in consultation with MOH. For a start, Chinese Proprietary Medicines (CPM) containing berberine that are listed by HSA, such as capsules, oral liquid preparations, powders and granules used by TCM practitioners in their dispensing, will be allowed with effect from 1 January 2013. More details will be announced by HSA shortly. In the absence of major safety issues, HSA will review the possible further lifting of prohibition on Chinese herbs containing berberine by 2015.
9 With this, TCM practitioners will have a wider choice of CPM to help them in their dispensing and practice. However, a good and competent practitioner must not only possess professional skills and knowledge but also display high levels of moral standards and integrity. Continuous education and elevation of practitioners’ moral standing will help contribute to the growth of the TCM industry, and better serve the needs of our fellow Singaporeans.
10 Finally, I hope everyone will have a fruitful session at today’s symposium.
Thank you.
卫生部长颜金勇 致辞全文
新加坡同济医院董事会主席 林源利先生
今年也是同济医院庆祝145周年和同济医药研究院成立的10周年。 回顾过去145年以来,同济医院在我们的社区里面为贫困的病人提供许多的医药服务,尤其是免费的医药服务,为我们国家的发展和建设,作出了极大的贡献。像同济医院这类的民间机构和慈善组织,在塑造我们未来的新加坡的社会扮演一个非常重要的角色和模范,来设造一个有包容性的国家。我希望同济医院能够再接再厉,让新加坡更进一步,为我国社会继续作出伟大的贡献。
近年来,我和中医界代表交流时,也常常谈到黄连的使用问题。1978年,小檗碱这种天然存在于常用中药如黄连和黄柏中的生物碱成分,被发现能引起患葡萄糖-6-磷酸脱氢酶 (G6PD) 缺乏症的新生儿严重的黄疸及脑损伤,基于安全考量,被列入《毒药法令》,在本地禁止使用。可是,相比禁令实施时的情况,现今中医药管理方式已大有改善,如在2001年开始对中成药进行全面管理并且2002年起实施中医师注册。这一切都有助于提高中医界的专业水平。