Speech by Dr Lam Pin Min, Senior Minister of State for Health, at the Singapore College of Traditional Chinese Medicine 65th Anniversary Gala Dinner, 19 October 2018
19 October 2018
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Professor Teo Eng Kiat, Chairman, Board of Directors of Singapore College of Traditional Chinese Medicine (SCTCM),
尊敬的新加坡中医学院董事会 赵英杰主席
Ms Wang Rong Fang, Science & Technology Counsellor, Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Singapore
中华人民共和国驻新加坡大使馆科技参赞 王蓉芳女士
Mrs Yu-Foo Yee Shoon, Chairman, Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners Board (TCMPB)
新加坡中医管理委员会主席 符喜泉女士
Distinguished guests and friends,
Good evening! It is my pleasure to join you at the 65th Anniversary Gala Dinner of the Singapore College of Traditional Chinese Medicine (SCTCM). I would like to extend my warmest congratulations to SCTCM on its 65th anniversary. I would also like to congratulate the Singapore Chinese Physicians’ Association for the successful wrap-up of the 8th Annual Meeting of the Specialty Committee on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Ophthalmology of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies (WFCMS) held earlier this morning.
2 Today, many developed countries, including Singapore, face challenges such as an ageing population and a significant increase in the incidence of chronic diseases. It is estimated that by 2030, one in four Singaporeans will be aged 65 and above. To better manage healthcare needs, we need to transform our healthcare system to move beyond providing good healthcare to promoting good health.
3 TCM has a history of over 100 years in Singapore. With its unique approach to health promotion and well-being, TCM plays a complementary role to mainstream medicine in meeting the healthcare needs of our population. In January 1953, the Singapore Chinese Physicians’ Association established the SCTCM to develop and raise professional standards of local TCM practitioners and TCM allied healthcare workers. Over the past 65 years, SCTCM has trained about 4,000 TCM graduates, and made significant contributions to the development of TCM in Singapore and the region. To date, there are more than 3,000 registered TCM practitioners and acupuncturists in Singapore, involved in TCM clinical practice, education and scientific research. Together, they have built a strong foundation for the continued development of TCM.
4 As a TCMP Board-accredited Continuing Professional Education (CPE) course provider, SCTCM has been supporting TCM practitioners in their journey to upgrade their professional knowledge and skills. Over the last two years, SCTCM has organised over 200 learning hours of voluntary CPE courses, attended by some 5,000 practitioners[1]. MOH plans to implement CPE as a requirement for the renewal of practicing certificates in 2019, and I hope that SCTCM will continue to organise a wide variety of CPE courses for registered practitioners and acupuncturists, which will enhance TCM professional standards in Singapore, to meet the health needs of the population and also provide greater assurance to the public seeking TCM treatment.
5 In closing, I wish all guests good health, and I hope that SCTCM will continue to achieve new milestones! Thank you.
[1] According to the TCMP Board CPE committee, SCTCM organised 107hrs and 114hrs of courses respectively in 2016 and 2017, and event attendance were 2235 and 2608 respectively.