Speech By Dr Lam Pin Min, Senior Minister Of State For Health, at the 8th Annual Meeting Of the Specialty Committee of Traditional Chinese Medicine Ophthalmology Of The World Federation Of Chinese Medicine Societies, 19 October 2018
19 October 2018
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Dr Teo Eng Kiat, President, Singapore Chinese Physicians’ Association (SCPA)
新加坡中医师公会会长 赵英杰博士
Committee Members, World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies (WFCMS)
Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,
Good morning! I am honoured to be here today at the 8th Annual Meeting of the Specialty Committee on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Ophthalmology of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies (WFCMS).
2 TCM ophthalmology has been recorded in ancient texts, with the earliest records dating back to the 13th century. TCM ophthalmology treatments are still widely practised today. With an ageing population, the incidence of eye diseases such as age-related macular degeneration, glaucoma and cataract is expected to rise. Among younger Singaporeans, myopia is prevalent. As we age, our vision will naturally change as well. We have observed that more patients are seeking complementary TCM treatment while undergoing mainstream eye screenings and treatment. TCM’s unique principles and treatment methods, including the use of herbs, acupuncture and moxibustion, can play a useful complementary role and help to achieve better clinical outcomes for patients.
3 To encourage TCM research, the Ministry of Health (MOH) established the TCM Research Grant in 2014. Under the support of the grant, Chung Hwa Medical Institution, a subsidiary of Singapore Chinese Physicians’ Association, collaborated with the Singapore Eye Research Institute (SERI) on a clinical trial to develop a treatment that combines TCM and western treatment for dry eye symptoms. The three-year study found that the use of both acupuncture and lubricant eye drops was more effective than the use of eye drops alone, and acupuncture helped to reduce inflammation in the eyes. I am happy to note that the findings have been published in The BMJ Open Ophthalmology journal.
4 The third TCM Research Grant call which concluded in June received a total of 21 applications. The shortlisted projects will be announced soon. We look forward to seeing more high quality project proposals that can contribute to the body of local and international research in TCM.
5 Research requires time and is resource intensive, and may not always yield positive findings. Nonetheless, evidence-based research is necessary to highlight the continued value and relevance of TCM today. We need more of such research to support the long term development of TCM. TCM research in Singapore is still in its nascent stage, and we hope that academic meetings such as the one today will provide local and foreign TCM practitioners with greater opportunities to discuss, debate, and be inspired to embark on more research projects.
6 I wish you a fruitful conference. Thank you.