Speech by Dr. Lam Pin Min, Minister of State for Health, at the International Chinese Medicine Summit Symposium, 4 December 2016
4 December 2016
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1. 今天,我很高兴应邀出席新加坡中医师公会为庆祝成立70周年而主办的“2016新加坡国际中医药高层论坛”。首先,向来自海内外的来宾和专家表示热烈的欢迎。
2. 中医药是中华民族数千年智慧和经验的结晶。今天,这门传统医学也随着时代进步,不断地发展。目前,中医广受海内外人士的接受为补助疗法。今年巴西奥运会上,有几位运动健将带着“罐印”上赛场,反映中医逐渐流行。“拔火罐”这种在许多古医普遍的治疗疗法,也是中医的特色治疗手段之一。
3. 中医药随着早期中国沿海华人南下来到新加坡,经过150多年的发展,中医、中医药已成为我国医疗体系和保健养生文化的重要组成部分,就连我们的非华族国人也对中医的基本养生保健理论略知一二!
4. 新加坡中医师公会成立于1946 年,70年来为我国的中医药保健事业做出了许多贡献。贵会属下的中华医院为社会提供慈善医疗服务,每年门诊量超过35万人次。贵会属下的新加坡中医学院也为国家培养了3300余名中医师。2000年,国会通过中医注册法令,当时,新加坡中医师公会也积极地支持和配合,并派员参与中医管理委员会属下组织的工作,为我国中医事业的发展作出了突出贡献。
5. 卫生部长颜金勇在2012年曾宣布,卫生部将拨出300万元专款用于中医科研[1]。当时,颜部长也指出政府鼓励中医院和中医院校开发科研,目的是希望通过科研数据证实中医疗法的安全性和有效性,为医疗卫生业者和公众提供参考信息,以便大家更有把握选择最合适并且有效的治疗方案。作为一名眼科医生,我很高兴看到,中华医院和新加坡眼科中心合作的一项探讨针灸治疗干眼症的研究取得了可喜的成果。我鼓励更多中医机构,借着高素质和严谨的科研及方法学,继续研发安全及有效的中医疗法,帮助更多病患者。
6. 我希望中医师公会以70年庆典为契机,继续与中西医界广大同仁努力合作,凝心聚力,发辉中医药的特色和优势,为我国医疗保健事业的发展做出更大的贡献。
7. 最后,预祝新加坡中医师公会70周年庆典活动暨高层论坛取得圆满成功!
Mr Teo Eng Kiat, President of the SCPA
Distinguished guests,
Good morning.
1. It is my pleasure to be here today at Singapore International Chinese Medicine Summit Symposium, organised by the Singapore Chinese Physicians’ Association (SCPA) to commemorate its 70th anniversary. Firstly, let me extend a warm welcome to our overseas guests.
2. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is the culmination of Chinese knowledge and experience over the past few thousand years. Today, this traditional field has continued to develop. TCM is now widely accepted internationally as a complementary treatment. For example, the popularity of TCM can be seen from the signs of ‘cupping’ therapy exhibited by a number of athletes at the 2016 Rio Olympics. ‘Cupping’ was a common treatment in ancient days and remains a trademark treatment of TCM.
3. TCM was first introduced to Singapore through the influx of Chinese immigrants in early days. Over the past 150 years, TCM has become an important component of Singapore’s healthcare system and health culture. Even non-Chinese citizens are familiar with some basic TCM theories and tips.
4. The SCPA was established in 1946 and has contributed significantly to Singapore’s TCM sector in the past 70 years. For example, Chung Hwa Medical Institution, under the SCPA, has been providing charity medical services for the public and sees over 350,000 patients every year. The Singapore College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, also under the SCPA, has also nurtured over 3,300 TCM practitioners. In 2000, when Singapore passed the TCM Practitioners Act, SCPA had also played an active supporting and cooperating role, and had sent representatives to take part in the work of the Singapore TCM Organisations Coordinating Committee, thereby contributing significantly to the development of the local TCM sector.
5. Minister for Health Mr Gan Kim Yong had previously announced in 2012 that MOH would start a TCM Clinical Research Grant of $3 million[1]. He had stated that the Government was encouraging institutions to explore scientific methods in carrying out research on the safety and effectiveness of TCM treatments, so as to help healthcare administrators and the public make more informed decisions in choosing the most appropriate and effective treatment. As an ophthalmologist, I am pleased to know that under the grant, a joint project between Singapore Eye Research Institute (SERI) and Chung Hwa Medical Institution has shown promising results supporting the use of acupuncture for dry eyes. I encourage more TCM institutions to continue validating and developing safe and effective TCM treatments, through high quality data-driven research, so as to help more patients.
6. I hope that the SCPA will leverage its 70th anniversary as an opportunity to continue working with other Chinese and Western medicine institutions, to showcase the unique characteristics and benefits of TCM, and contribute further to the development of Singapore’s healthcare sector.
7. Finally, I wish SCPA success for its 70th anniversary celebrations and the Singapore International Chinese Medicine Summit Symposium.
Thank you.
[1] Speech by Minister for Health Mr Gan Kim Yong, at the 10th ASEAN Congress of Traditional Chinese Medicine cum 3rd Asia Advanced Forum on Acupuncture-Moxibustion, 15 Dec 2012