Speech by Dr Amy Khor, Senior Minister of State for Health, Swearing-in Ceremony for 44th Singapore Chinese Physicians Association Council Members, on 11 September 2014
11 September 2014
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新加坡中医师公会 -- 会长赵英杰博士
新加坡中医管理委员会主席-- 符喜泉女士
中国驻新加坡大使馆-- 科技参赞 宋德正 参赞
各位来宾, 女士们,先生们
大家好!今天,我很高兴受邀出席《新加坡中医师公会》第44届理事就职典礼, 并且担任典礼的监誓人。首先,让我对所有当选的理事表示由衷的祝贺。
2 <新加坡中医师公会>成立于1946年,迄今已有六十八年的悠久历史。贵会一向来不遗余地推动我国中医事业的发展,在医疗的提升,学术的提高、或是培育中医人才方面,都扮演着极为重要的角色。
3 Good leadership in SCPA is very important as more than half of all registered TCM Physicians in Singapore today are members of SCPA. As TCM community leaders, TCM physicians look to you to chart the future role and direction of TCM in Singapore. Besides providing TCM treatment, SCPA could find niche areas, for example in health and wellness, disease prevention through changes in lifestyle, diet and exercise therapy, and conducting courses at the appropriate level to raise awareness and educate the general public, so that more Singaporeans can benefit from TCM philosophy.
4 我希望,中医师不仅是解除 病患病痛之苦,也能够教育广大群众中医药的养生保健知识,提高国人养生保健意识,倡导国人重视生活素质。发挥中医在保健养生和治未病的独特优势,奉献大家的知识和才能,为我国卫生医疗保健事业作出更大贡献。
5 最后,祝在座各位,身心安康。新加坡中医师公会的会务发展,蒸蒸日上。谢谢!