8 September 2019
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Professor Teo Eng Kiat, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Singapore College of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
Mr Xu Nenggui, Vice Principal, Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine
Graduates and distinguished guests
1. 大家下午好!我很荣幸受邀出席新加坡中医学院2019年毕业典礼,并和大家一起欢庆这个重要的里程碑。首先,请让我向应届毕业生致以最热烈的祝贺!你们的持之以恒与勤奋学习中医药知识的精神,难能可贵,值得钦佩。
Good afternoon! It is my pleasure to join all of you today at Singapore College of TCM’s 2019 graduation ceremony to celebrate this important milestone in your life journey. Please join me in extending our heartiest congratulations to all graduates. Your perseverance in pursuing TCM knowledge is commendable.
Complementary role of TCM to meet evolving healthcare needs
2. 新加坡正面临着人口老龄化的挑战,慢性病发病率也显著升高。我国的医疗体系必须与时并进,为年长者提供优质的医疗服务。我相信中医药,特别是老年养生和调理方面,可继续在新加坡的医疗体系中扮演重要的辅助医疗作用,更好的应对医疗服务增加的需求。
Singapore is facing the challenge of an ageing population, with increased prevalence of chronic diseases. Our healthcare system must continue to evolve to provide quality medical services for our seniors. I believe that TCM with its disease prevention and management approach, can continue to play an important complementary role in our healthcare system, to meet the increasing demand for healthcare services.
3. 新加坡中医学院已有66年的办学历史, 培养了4000余名德才兼备的优秀毕业生。我也很高兴得知,新加坡中医学院连续两次取得四年的教育信托认证(EDUTRUST),为学员提供优质的教育服务,除了维持良好的教育信托记录, 新加坡中医学院,作为新加坡最大的中医师培训机构,应该继续维持教学的水平和纪律,以维护中医师的高能力标准。我也希望鼓励中医学院采纳各大大学的最佳教学法,或利用科技为学生提供创新的学习体验,从而提高新加坡中医行业的专业水平。
The Singapore College of TCM has a history of 66 years, and has nurtured more than 4,000 graduates. I understand that SCTCM has obtained the EduTrust certification for the second time, and has consistently maintained a high standard of quality in the provision of education services. As Singapore’s largest TCM training provider, SCTCM should continue to maintain teaching standards and discipline so as to uphold the high competency standards of TCMPs. I would also like to encourage SCTCM to adopt best practices from universities on the latest teaching pedagogy and leverage technology to provide innovative learning experiences for your students. This will help to raise the professional standards of TCM practice in Singapore.
4. 毕业典礼不仅标志着您在中医学院的难忘历程,也意思着你的事业的开始。随着我们的医疗护理环境的变化,我希望鼓励你们终身学习,不断自我提升。卫生部也很重视中医师的专业发展,因此与中医管理委员会设立了中医继续教育计划(CPE)。从2020年起,所有注册中医师需在两年内取得50学分,才能更新中医执照。这将确保中医师的医疗素质不断提升,为病人提供更好的中医治疗。在此鼓励新加坡中医学院继续积极主办中医药讲座和课程,加强中医师的专业技能,以更好地满足民众的医疗需求。
To all graduands, graduation not only marks the end of a memorable journey at SCTCM, it also marks the start of your career. We want to encourage you to embrace lifelong learning and continue to develop professionally, especially in the changing practice environment. The Ministry of Health (MOH) recognises the importance of professional development, and we are working with the TCM Practitioners’ Board to put in place a structured Continuous Professional Education (CPE) programme for registered TCM practitioners. From 2020, all registered TCM practitioners have to fulfil 50 points in two years. This will help ensure that our TCM practitioners continue to develop in their professional practice. We also encourage SCTCM to continue to organise talks, seminars and courses to strengthen professional skills of TCM practitioners to better serve healthcare needs of the public.
5. 为了提升中医师专业水平,研究和临床实践是极其重要的。在研究方面,卫生部迄今已拨款800万设立中医药研究补助金,协助中医界开展中西医科研项目。中医研究咨询委员会正在评估这次研究招标所收到的提案。我很高兴得知新加坡中医学院参与了我们最近,以及之前所有的中医研究补助金招标。新加坡中央医院和新加坡中医学院在2014年也获得首届中医药研究补助金,展开三年的研究项目,研究中医药治疗肠易激综合症。我要表扬新加坡中医学院的积极参与,为培养本机构的研究文化跨出了第一步。我希望鼓励更多中医师和中医团体进行研究,为中医药疗法的疗效提供依据。
Research and clinical practice play an important role in raising the professional standards of TCM practice. MOH has allocated $8 million to set up the TCM Research Grant to encourage collaborative research between TCM and researchers in our public institutions. The TCM Research Advisory Committee is in the process of evaluating suitable proposals received during the fourth grant call made this year. I am happy to note that SCTCM has participated in our latest call for proposals and in all earlier grant calls. The Singapore General Hospital and SCTCM were awarded the inaugural TCM Research Grant in 2014 for a 3-year grant to study the use of TCM for the treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome. I would like to commend SCTCM for your active contributions and efforts in cultivating a research culture within your organisation. I hope more TCM practitioners continue to conduct research studies to ascertain the efficacy of TCM treatments.
6. 卫生部也拨款500万元成立中医药发展补助金,支持中医从业员的专业发展。补助金可资助由中医管理委员会所认证的继续教育课程的培训机构,举办更多高素质的中医继续教育课程。我希望鼓励中医学院和其他培训机构继续积极举办中医药研讨会和课程,让更多医师受益。补助金也可资助所有管委会注册的中医师,为他们提供培训和专业发展,同时也能够抵消他们上课和主办课程的部分费用。
MOH has also established a $5 million TCM Development Grant to provide co-funding for the training and professional development of all registered TCM practitioners and build up the capability of the TCM sector. To enhance the quality of TCM training programmes, the Grant will also provide funding support to accredited TCM course providers to defray the cost of organising CPE courses. We hope to encourage TCM course providers to continue to organise quality CPE courses to benefit more TCM practitioners.
7. 最后,我希望各位毕业生将毕业作为新的起点,在今后各自的领域中学以致用,为国人提供专业的中医治疗,为我国中医事业的继续发展作出贡献。再次祝各位毕业生事业顺利、鹏程万里!也祝各位嘉宾和朋友们身体健康!
In closing, I hope that all graduates will apply what you have learnt in your respective fields, to provide quality TCM treatment for Singaporeans, and contribute to the continued development of TCM in Singapore. Congratulations and I wish you success in your future endeavours and good health to all. Thank you.