Speech by Dr Amy Khor, Senior Minister of State for Health, at the Launch of the Inter-Generational Month, 1 October 2016
1 October 2016
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Youth Corps Volunteers
Distinguished Guests
Good morning. I am very happy to join you today at the launch of the inaugural Inter-Generational Month by Youth Corps Singapore. Today, we kick start a series of volunteering opportunities and activities to promote better understanding between youths and seniors.
Whole-of Society Approach to Population Ageing
2. Fostering inter-generational harmony is important, and even critical, in Singapore, as Singapore’s demographics are shifting. Our population is ageing rapidly – today, 1 in 8 citizens are aged 65 years and above. By 2030, this will be 1 in 4. To prepare for population ageing, the Ministerial Committee on Ageing has launched an Action Plan for Successful Ageing that covers over 70 initiatives across 12 areas. This is a holistic national blueprint across the individual, community and national levels to help Singaporeans age well and age healthily.
3. One of the key objectives of the Action Plan is to build a caring and cohesive society that embraces our seniors. Promoting inter-generational bonding is one way of achieving this goal. Through inter-generational programmes, seniors gain friendships and remain socially connected. They are also energised from their interactions with the youths. For the youths, they can learn from the experiences of the seniors, and develop important values such as respect. By understanding the concerns of the seniors, the youths can also think about how they would like to spend their own golden years, and how they can prepare themselves for their own ageing process.
4. Indeed, we need the community’s support as part of a whole-of-society approach towards population ageing to support seniors to age with grace and confidence. I would like to commend Youth Corps Singapore’s good work in championing youth volunteerism and rallying youths to step forward and take the lead in building a loving and caring society for our seniors.
Building an Inclusive Society: Launch of the EYES Photobook
5. One such programme where youths are taking the initiative to support seniors is EYES – Engaging Youth, Empowering Seniors, a programme under Youth Corps Singapore's Common Space for Common Good initiative. Over five weeks, 30 Youth Corps volunteers befriended ten socially-isolated seniors staying in the Toa Payoh estate and taught them basic photography skills, which they then put into practice by embarking on a heritage trail in Toa Payoh together.
6. Many of the youth volunteers have continued their friendships with the seniors even after the programme officially ended. One example is Chalinga, who has continued visiting his 83-year-old senior buddy Auntie Oi Chun. Through their interactions, Chalinga was inspired by Auntie Oi Chun’s ‘never say die’ attitude. As for Auntie Oi Chun, she has graciously welcomed the youth volunteers into her home. Besides sharing her life story, she even went the extra mile to cook them a simple but delicious meal. Together with a fellow volunteer, Valarie, Chalinga picked Auntie Oi Chun up from her flat in Toa Payoh this morning, so that she can be here with us today.
7. Today, I’m happy to launch the Engaging Youth, Empowering Seniors photo book, which documents the seniors’ life stories and celebrates inter-generational friendships, such as the one forged between Chalinga and Auntie Oi Chun.
Empowering Active Ageing
8. Besides caring for our seniors, I would also like to encourage youths, like yourselves, to do your part to empower seniors to age actively. Another inter-generational resource that Youth Corps Singapore is launching today is a set of inter-generational conversation cards, called “Share Lah” which serves as a tool to help you engage seniors around you on a more frequent and deeper basis. I encourage you to start engaging seniors in conversations, get to know them, and even take part in activities together.
9. Today is only the beginning of the many activities that Youth Corps Singapore has lined up for the month of October, including community trails, community service events, and even an ageing simulation. We have the Common Space for Common Good “Jiak Simi” project, a ground-up youth initiative championed by Youth Corps Leader Owen Tan, in which volunteers bring seniors from Thong Teck Home for Senior Citizens out to enjoy local food. There is also the 18 for 80 event, which is a special outing organised by volunteers from the "YOLDEN Programme", a regular programme where Youth Corps volunteers go down to the Moral Home for the Aged Sick on a weekly basis to conduct physiotherapy activities for seniors and befriend them during mealtimes. I hope everyone will participate in some of these inter-generational activities, and that you will also be ambassadors for inter-generational bonding, by spreading the word to your friends and bringing them on-board as well.
10. Youths have an important role to play in making Singapore a cohesive and caring society with strong inter-generational harmony. I encourage you to continue using your creativity, energy, courage and above all, your hearts to make a positive difference, and to journey with us to make Singapore truly a Nation for All Ages. I wish you all a great month of inter-generational bonding and a wonderful day ahead.
11. Thank you.