Speech by Dr Amy Khor, Senior Minister of State for Health, at the 44th Anniversary Celebration of Public Free Clinic Society, 11 November 2018
11 November 2018
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Mr Seow Ser Fatt, President of Public Free Clinic Society
Board of Committee Members
Distinguished guests
Ladies and gentlemen
大家下午好 !我很荣幸受邀参加大众医院成立四十四周年庆典。大众医院自1974年成立以来,始终秉承 “取之于民、用之于民” 的原则,不分种族为国人提供优质,负担得起的中医药服务。如今,每个月有超过一万七千名病患前往大众医院诊所就诊。在此,我感谢大众医院不遗余力,发扬慈善事业为民服务。
Good afternoon. It is my pleasure to be invited to the 44th anniversary celebration of Public Free Clinic Society (PFCS). Since its inception in 1974, PFCS has abided by its principle of “what is taken from the people should be given back to the people”, and have consistently provided care in the form of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) to the needy regardless of race. Today, more than 17,000 patients visit the clinic every month. I would like to take this opportunity to thank PFCS for doing its utmost to provide affordable TCM treatment to Singaporeans.
2 新加坡正面对人口老龄化的挑战,慢性疾病的流行及其复杂性也逐年增加。为应对国人需求,大众医院在2009年推出了别具一格的登门中医医疗服务,到全岛不同地区的养老院与乐龄活动中心为行动不便的长者提供免费中医诊疗服务,同时也走进行动不便的病患家里带来关怀备致的诊治。值得鼓励的是大众医院会继续考虑发展及扩大登门医疗组的覆盖范围,让更多年长病患受惠。
Singapore is currently facing the challenge of an ageing population, with increased prevalence and complexity of chronic diseases. Recognising this, PFCS introduced the Home TCM Treatment Services in 2009, which brought TCM treatment services to elderly patients in various nursing homes and Seniors Activity Centres in different parts of Singapore, and non-ambulant patients to receive TCM treatment at home. I am happy that PFCS is also looking to further develop and expand the coverage of home TCM Treatment Team to benefit more elderly patients.
3 中医必须通过教育、临床实践以及研究三方面的融合,以发展更好的疾病预防和病人管理模式。在研究方面,卫生部迄今已拨款800万协助中医界开展中西医科研项目。大众医院正在全面提升其电子诊病系统,让中医师们能立即查看病人的完整病历,并加强看诊的品质与效率。我鼓励更多中医师拓展临床科研,希望在下一次科研项目召开时,大众医院和其他中医团体可以积极回应,从临床收集科研疗效依据,从而提高中医治疗的疗效。
Integration of three important aspects — clinical practice, research and education — in the practice of TCM is important to develop more effective approaches to disease prevention and management. To date, MOH has allocated a total of $8 million to encourage collaborative research between TCM and researchers in our public institutions. I would like to encourage more TCM physicians to tap on the expanded TCM research funds, and participate in our next TCM Research Grant Call to develop new knowledge of, and ascertain efficacy of TCM treatments.
4 中医医疗服务在我国的医疗体系中扮演重要的辅助角色。因此,以提升中医师专业水平和维护病人安全与利益,卫生部已逐渐完成修改中医注册法令。感谢各大中医团体及公众对修改中医注册法令提出的宝贵意见及反馈。在此也感谢中医界领导在百忙中多次与卫生部会面,出席了该法令修改以及公众咨询之后所举办的一系列说明会。卫生部会继续与各大中医团体合作,增进中医专业水平以更好地应对新加坡的医疗需求。
TCM plays an important complementary role in Singapore’s healthcare system. To raise professional standards of TCM practice, ensure patient safety and public assurance in TCM, MOH is amending our TCM Practitioners Act (TCMP Act). I would like to thank all TCM stakeholders and members of the public for participating in the public consultation and engagement session for the amendments to the TCMP Act in August 2018. MOH will continue to work with our TCM community to raise standards of the profession and practice and better serve the healthcare needs of Singaporeans.
5 修改后的中医注册法令包括把中医继续教育列为更新中医师执照的必备条件之一。鼓励中医师不断的提升自我的医疗水平是至关重要的。为此,卫生部也拨款500万成立中医药发展补助基金,资助所有管委会注册的中医师,为他们提供培训和专业发展,同时也能够抵消他们上课和主办课程的部分费用。大众医院也开始和中医学研究院合作,我希望通过合作,大众医院能联合推动中医管理委员会所计划的中医继续教育课程,提高中医师的专业水平。
One of the proposed amendments to the TCMP Act includes making Continuing Professional Education (CPE) a mandatory requirement for the renewal of practising certificates. MOH has set up a $5 million TCM Development Grant to provide co-funding for the training and professional development of all registered TCM practitioners, which can be used to defray the cost of organising and participating in CPE courses. I am happy to note that PFCS is partnering the Institute of Chinese Medical Studies (ICMS) to promote TCM education. When CPE becomes compulsory, I hope PFCS will continue to partner ICMS to jointly develop and strengthen the quality of Continuing Professional TCM Education courses to enhance professional knowledge of all TCM practitioners.
6 最后,衷心祝福大众医院再接再厉,将这份慈善事业做的更好,造福更多国人。
Finally, I wish PFCS continued success in their charitable causes, to improve the health of Singaporeans. Thank you!