28 April 2019
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Venerable Sik Kwang Sheng, President of Singapore Buddhist Free Clinic
Board of Committee Members,
Distinguished guests
Ladies and gentlemen
1. 大家上午好!我非常荣幸受邀参加新加坡佛教施诊所庆祝金禧纪念医药论坛。在此,也感谢中国各大医药机构的教授们莅临我国,与新加坡各位医师交流分享中医知识。
A very good morning to all of you. It gives me great pleasure to be here today to attend Singapore Buddhist Free Clinic (SBFC) Golden Jubilee Medical Forum, and I would like to thank our renowned professors from China’s various Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) institutions for coming to Singapore and sharing TCM knowledge with our physicians.
2. 国人越来越长寿,预计到了2030年,每四个居民当中,就有一人年纪超过65岁。随着人口老龄化的步伐加快,慢性病症也会逐年增加。中医药,以独特的养生、调理和预防疾病方面的理论,将继续在我国的医疗体系中扮演重要的辅助角色。以应对人口老龄化的趋势,佛教施诊所始终秉承着宗旨,不分种族、宗教,一视同仁为国人提供优质,负担的起的中医药治疗。在此恭贺佛教施诊所成立五十周年,并感谢佛教施诊所这五十年以来为国人,尤其是为我们的年长者,提供优质的中医治疗。
Singaporeans are living longer; it is projected that in 2030, one in four Singaporeans will be 65 years old and above. As the pace of ageing gathers momentum, prevalence of chronic diseases will also increase. TCM, with its unique principles and approaches in disease prevention and management, can play an important complementary role in our healthcare system. To help meet healthcare challenges of our ageing population, Singapore Buddhist Free Clinic stayed true to its mission, providing affordable TCM treatment to all Singaporeans, regardless of race or religion. I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all SBFC staff on the 50th anniversary of SBFC’s establishment, and thank all SBFC staff and volunteers who have worked tirelessly for the last 50 years to provide affordable TCM treatment to Singaporeans.
3. 为了进一步提升中医专业水平,更有效的保障病人和公众的安全,卫生部已完成修改中医注册法令,并在今年2月11日通过国会。法令修改后,中医继续教育将列为更新中医师执照的必备条件之一。以帮助各年龄层的中医从业者满足2年内取得50学分的要求,强制性继续教育项目和学分框架已改进,可获取学分的项目更多元化, 其中包括病案研究讨论、师带徒和网上自学等课程。在新增添的师带徒计划中,导师们所得学分将多于学生,一方面是为了肯定导师们的较大付出,另一方面也鼓励更多经验丰富的医师加入师带徒计划把所累积的临床经验传给下一代。此外,我相信中医管理委员会也正增加继续教育培训机构,确保足够的继续教育课程提高中医师的专业水平。因此,我很高兴得知佛教施诊所最近已被认证加入中医继续教育的培训机构之一,希望佛教施诊所继续积极举办各类课程及讲座以协助中医执业医师的提升。除了修改继续教育项目框架以外,我们也希望帮助中医从业者抵消参加中医继续教育课程的费用。中医师可申请利用技能创前程培训补助津贴及卫生部成立的中医发展补助金的资助每年给予80%或顶限两百元的课程费用补贴。我们也正与精深发展局合作,让更多中医课程能受批准让中医从业者利用技能创前程培训补助津贴。
To raise professional standards of TCM practice, ensure patient safety and public assurance in TCM, parliament approved the TCM Practitioners Act (Amendment) Bill on 11 Feb 2019. With the amended Act, Continuing Professional Education (CPE) will be a mandatory requirement for the renewal of practising certificates. To help TCM practitioners fulfil mandatory 50 CPE points in 2 years, the revised CPE points awarding framework will, amongst other enhancements, include online learning and mentorship programme, to suit the learning needs of TCMPs across the different age groups. More CPE points will also be awarded to experienced TCMPs who provide teaching or mentoring of younger TCMPs to recognise their deeper involvement and also to encourage them to come onboard the programme to pass their clinical experience accumulated through the years to the next generation of TCMPs. To ensure there are enough courses to support professional upgrading, I understand TCMP Board is also expanding the pool of CPE training providers. Thus, I am happy to note SBFC was recently accredited by TCM Practitioners Board (TCMPB) as one of the organisations accredited to conduct CPE training. I hope SBFC will continue to organise quality CPE courses and events to support our physicians’ learning to raise professional standards of TCM. To help defray the cost of attending TCM courses, TCM practitioners can make use of their SkillsFuture credits, and apply for the TCM Development Grant, which provides 80% subsidies, capped at $200 a year, to attend TCMPB accredited courses. MOH is also working with SkillsFuture Singapore to explore ways to increase the number of TCM courses applicable for SSG credits.
4. 科研是促进中医发展的重要途径。因此,卫生部在2014年设立的中医药研究补助基金,协助开展中医界和公立医疗机构、高等院校之间的合作研究。在前三次的科研招标中已有十一项科研提案收到补助金的支持。我们刚在今年三月开始第四轮科研项目的召开,借此鼓励佛教施诊和中医师所利用这机会积极投稿,为传统医学的疗效提供依据。
Scientific research is integral to build an evidence base for the use of TCM, and in promoting its development. In 2014, MOH established the TCM Research Grant to encourage collaborative research on TCM treatments between public healthcare institutions, TCM institutions and institutes of higher learning (IHLs). In the last 3 grant calls, a total of 11 research projects were awarded. We have just launched the 4th grant call on 1 March and I would like to take this opportunity to encourage SBFC and TCM practitioners to participate, building evidence to prove efficacy of TCM.
5. 最后,衷心祝愿佛教施诊所医药论坛圆满、成功,在座各位中医业者再接再厉,造福更多国人。
In closing, I wish SBFC a successful medical forum, and for all TCMPs to continue to contribute towards improving the health of all Singaporeans. Thank you!