Singapore Medical Team In Myanmar Returns Home
5 June 2008
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05 Jun 2008
The Singapore medical relief team returns home after a two-week stint in Myanmar and having treated some 3,800 patients. Since it began operations on 22 May 2008, the 13-man Ministry of Health team of 4 doctors, 8 nurses and a pharmacist technician from 8 public hospitals and institutions had attended to patients with respiratory ailments, skin infections, and gastroenteritis. Working under a unified Singapore Team, they had combined efforts and resources with the Singapore Red Cross and Mercy Relief team members already on-site, and had worked very closely with the local doctors and nurses.
The team was based in the township of Twan Te, an hour’s drive from Yangon. The initial medical coverage in the Twan Te area was later expanded to cyclone-hit victims in the Kayin Chaung area, (an hour’s boat ride from Twan Te) which was previously inaccessible and without any medical service. The team is gratified that it was able to render its medical service to increasing numbers of patients. From 200 patients a day, the team attended to between 450 and 600 patients a day in the last week of May 2008. Even non-cyclone patients were seeking help from the Singapore medical team for injuries and chronic diseases.
Some of the challenges faced by the team included mental and physical fatigue from the heavy patient workload, and the tough working and living conditions. The combined Singapore Team of 22 volunteers is expected to arrive at Changi Airport at 9pm, 5 June 2008.
5 JUN 2008