PrimaDeli allowed to resume factory operations
21 December 2007
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21 Dec 2007
The outbreak of Salmonellosis linked to the Prima Deli factory has ceased. There have been no new cases with reported onset of illness following the factory closure on 4 Dec 07. To date, a total of 33 incidents involving 204 cases associated with the consumption of Prima Deli food items have been identified. 15 cases were hospitalised, all of whom have been discharged.
Epidemiological investigations by MOH and AVA have traced the source of the Salmonellosis outbreak to bacterial contamination that occurred in the Prima Deli factory between 20 Nov and 1 Dec 07. Six factory food handlers and multiple food samples taken from the cake and decoration area were found to be positive for Salmonella Enteritidis. In addition, two factory food handlers tested positive for Salmonella Group C and food samples showed high bacterial and faecal coliform counts which were indicative of poor food hygiene practices.
The factory premises have since been subject to a massive cleaning and disinfection exercise conducted by Prima management. Foodhandlers who tested positive for Salmonella are disallowed from engaging in the preparation of food until certified free of the infection. They will be re-tested and can only return to work when the results are negative.
In the Prima Deli outlets, six food handlers were tested positive for Salmonella, of whom three were positive for Salmonella Enteritidis, two for Salmonella Group C and another for Salmonella Group E. Cake samples from various outlets also tested positive for Salmonella Enteritidis, Salmonella Group C and high bacterial counts. It is uncertain at which stage the cakes were contaminated. All outlets have also been cleaned up.
The results of AVA's inspection of Prima Food Pte Ltd and environment swabs taken on 17 December 07 to monitor the outcome of cleaning and disinfection were satisfactory.
Prima Food Pte Ltd has submitted its improved quality control programme and recall procedure that will be implemented once the factory operations are resumed. The company will continue to consult AVA on further improvements and enhancements to the quality control programmes and recall procedure.
AVA will allow the company to resume its factory operations in two stages under supervision. With immediate effect, Prima Deli will be allowed to produce food products that undergo high heat treatment such as baked products and frozen dough to be baked in the outlets. If there is no operational hygiene deficiency, full factory operation may be resumed to produce the other products containing ingredients not subjected to heat treatment such as cakes with toppings .
The public is advised to maintain good hygiene practices, such as washing your hands with soap and water frequently, especially after toilet visits, changing diapers and before eating or preparing food.
Members of the public can contact MOH at 1800-2254122 or AVA at 1800-2262250 if they have any enquiries.
For further information on salmonellosis, please visit MOH website at