Pensioners’ medical benefits are terminated after death
14 May 2015
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Lianhe Zaobao (7 May)
Medical benefits for spouses of ex-public servants
Reader Liang Yao Rong asked whether the spouses of pensioners could continue to enjoy medical benefits even after their partners passed away. Liang noted that previously, once a pensioner passed away, the medical benefits of the spouse would also be terminated. However, he recalled two Ministers announcing in Parliament a few months ago that spouses of pensioners could now continue to enjoy the benefits after their partners passed away, but had not received any formal notification on the details.
Lianhe Zaobao (12 May)
The issue of medical benefits for widows of pensioners
Zhou Quan Sheng wrote in response to Liang Yao Rong’s letter (“Medical benefits for spouses of ex-public servants”, ZB, 7 May, p32) that to his knowledge the widow’s Civil Servant Card (CSC) will immediately be terminated upon her spouse’s death. There has been no formal notification by the MOH yet regarding this issue whether they will continue to hold the CSC card or enjoy the benefits some other way. He is similarly worried as while his wife will be covered by Medishield Life, the coverage is less comprehensive than CSC’s.
MOH & PSD's Joint Reply
Lianhe Zaobao (14 May)
Pensioners’ medical benefits are terminated after death
We thank Mr Liang Yao Rong and Mr Zhou Quan Sheng for their letters on “Medical benefits for the wives of Government pensioners” (7 May) and “Medical benefits problems for widows of pensioners” (12 May).
We wish to share that there is no change to the existing policy. The post-retirement medical benefits of a Government pensioner, like his pension payment, are provided to a pensioner in recognition of his contribution to the Civil Service. These medical benefits, including any MediShield Life premium subsidies from the Government as his employer, are non-transferrable and will cease upon the demise of the pensioner.
Regardless of circumstances, dependants of Government pensioners who are Singapore Citizens or Permanent Residents will be included under MediShield Life, even when they are no longer covered under the pensioner’s post-retirement medical benefits. They will enjoy generous Government support for their MediShield Life premiums if they are Pioneers, or Premium Subsidies for lower- to middle-income households. Those who face financial difficulties even after these subsidies can also write to MOH to be assessed for additional assistance for their MediShield Life premiums on a case-by-case basis.
We have contacted Mr Liang to clarify his queries.
Lim Teck Kiat
Human Resource Policy
Public Service Division
Lim Bee Khim (Ms)
Corporate Communications
Ministry of Health