Opening address by Dr Amy Khor, Senior Minister of State for Health and The Environment & Water Resources, and Adviser to Hong Kah North Grassroots Organisations, at The Senior Academy Graduation Ceremony on Wednesday, 18 November 2015
18 November 2015
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Mr Ang Hak Seng, BBM, Chief Executive Director, People’s Association
Grassroots Leaders
Our pioneers and fellow residents
Good afternoon!
I am delighted to be here at your graduation. It seems like only yesterday that I officially launched the People’s Association (PA) Senior Academy programme in February this year. Today, here I am to witness the first batch of 250 graduating seniors. All of you come from across the 10 Community Clubs islandwide and I am sure you are all proud and happy to be graduating from the four-month long Certificate in Senior Wellness programme.
2 Each one of you is a shining example of positive ageing. Indeed, chronological age does not matter as long as we are healthy, happy and continue to grow and develop as individuals.
3 Over the past months, you have gained new knowledge in diverse areas, such as fitness, first aid and even an introduction to mobile apps! I have no doubt that all of you have picked up useful life skills and knowledge, and learnt much from the programme. At the same time, I am sure you have made new friends and benefitted from interacting with one another during the programme. I hope that you will continue to meet up regularly as cohort mates to take part in community activities or form interest groups to pursue your passion. One good example is my resident Mdm Phua Ah Moy, who attended the Senior Academy classes right here at Gek Poh Ville CC. Mdm Phua shared with me that she came to know of the programme as she is part of the Qigong group here. She then signed up for the course with a group of her friends. She said that she did not have the chance to study much when she was younger. Now that she is older, she wants to learn new things but feels apprehensive about picking up books to study. Hence, the Senior Academy classes, being mostly hands-on and practical-based, suit her.
4 Through the cohort based learning format, I know many participants have also forged strong friendships with one another through these four months. In fact, we see many ‘class monitors’ who went the extra mile to galvanise everyone in the class. One of them is Mr Richard Fong from Tampines West CC. Mr Fong would remind his classmates of the lesson schedule and what to bring for classes, even when if he was not taking that particular class! He would also regularly share interesting information and photos via Whatsapp with his classmates, for example, information on upcoming events in the neighbourhood. This encouraged his classmates to share other information, and they have a lively Whatsapp chat group.
5 As we celebrate our graduating seniors’ achievements today, let us also not forget to pay tribute to the people who have supported them along the way – their family, friends and trainers. Please give them a big round of applause.
6 As the pioneer batch of Senior Academy graduates, you are the ambassadors to inspire other seniors to pursue their lifelong learning aspirations, and lead an enriched and healthy lifestyle. In fact, since its launch, over 4,000 seniors have signed up for the PA’s Senior Academy. Many had also requested to be put on the waiting list for the four-month long certificate programme during the first run. It is a testament to the eagerness of our seniors to continue to learn and grow.
7 Encouraged by this spirit of positive ageing, the government has recently announced an Action Plan for Successful Ageing to bring active ageing to an even higher level. Under the Action Plan, we will have new initiatives to promote senior learning, senior volunteerism, enhance the employability of older workers and also develop a senior friendly city environment. We hope that as our population ages in the next 10, 20 years, we can take the opportunity to build an outstanding Nation for All Ages, and enable our seniors to be models of successful ageing, to show the way for future generations, as well as other countries.
8 Let me end by wishing you more golden years of growing, learning and fun. Thank you.