One Singaporean, One Family Doctor
19 May 2017
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1. Primary care is the foundation of our healthcare system, and family doctors are at the frontlines of healthcare in the community. Declared by the World Organization of Family Doctors, World Family Doctor Day celebrates the role and contribution of family doctors in healthcare systems around the world on 19 May every year. On World Family Doctor Day 2017, the Ministry of Health (MOH) would like to express our appreciation to all family doctors for the important role they play in caring for the health needs of the communities they serve in.
2. Family doctors will play an increasingly vital role in our shift ‘beyond hospital to community’, as the population ages, chronic disease prevalence rises and care needs become increasingly complex. Being the first and continuous line of care in the community, a strong primary care sector is critical to helping Singaporeans maintain their health, and manage their chronic conditions well. Through their longstanding relationship with patients and their families, family doctors have a unique opportunity to gain a comprehensive understanding of their patients’ physical and mental health needs, and provide patient-centric health management and care.
3. MOH will continue to work closely with our family doctors to support them in delivering quality and holistic care for patients. In 2015, MOH introduced Family Medicine training subsidies for postgraduate training to better equip family doctors in key areas such as chronic disease management and aged care. In April this year, MOH launched the application call for Primary Care Networks (PCNs), under which virtual networks of general practitioners (GPs) will be better resourced to provide holistic and team-based chronic disease management for their patients in the community.
Supporting Community Mental Health
4. In recognition of the importance of mental health and the Family Medicine principles of holistic care, this year’s World Family Doctor Day will focus on the condition of depression. Depression is the most common mental health condition in Singapore1. Community mental health efforts are important in enabling patients with mental health needs to seek early treatment and support near to their homes within the community. Within the healthcare system, family doctors, being closest placed to patients and their families, play a critical role in early identification, intervention and support for those with mental health conditions.
5. Under the Community Mental Health Masterplan, MOH will strengthen and improve access to mental health services in primary care. To enable family doctors to better manage mental health conditions, MOH has supported the Mental Health General Practitioner Partnership programme, where family doctors partner community-based teams led by allied health professionals and hospital specialists to provide case management, therapeutic interventions and home visits. The Graduate Diploma in Mental Health2 also equips family doctors with capabilities and skills to identify and manage mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, insomnia and dementia.
6. As we commemorate World Family Doctor Day, MOH encourages all Singaporeans to value and partner your regular family doctor for your healthcare needs. We wish all our family doctors a happy World Family Doctor Day.
19 MAY 2017
1Source: Singapore Mental Health Study, 2010
2The Graduate Diploma in Mental Health (GDMH) is offered by the Division of Graduate Medical Studies (DGMS), National University of Singapore (NUS) in conjunction with the Institute of Mental Health (IMH).