Number and Ratio of Medical Social Workers and AIC Care Co-ordinators to Population of Care Recipients over Age 65
8 July 2019
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Ms Anthea Ong
Nominated MP
Question No. 1246
To ask the Minister for Health what is the current number of (i) medical social workers and (ii) AIC care co-ordinators, and their respective ratios to the population of care recipients over the age of 65 years.
Written Answer
1 Based on data reported by healthcare providers, there were about 600 Medical Social Workers (MSWs) working in the public healthcare and community care sectors1 in 2018. Within the Agency for Integrated Care (AIC), there are about 110 staff coordinating care for care recipients and their caregivers in hospitals and in the community, and helping them with information and referral to the various services and support programmes.
2 The ratio of MSWs and AIC staff numbers to the population of care recipients over the age of 65 years may not be meaningful as they work together to support care recipients across all age groups, and not just care recipients over the age of 65 years. They also work with other community partners to coordinate care and support for seniors.
[1] Number of MSWs are based on Full-time Equivalents (FTEs) as reported by public healthcare institutions and community care providers receiving government subvention. Public healthcare institutions include acute hospitals and polyclinics. Community care sector providers include the community hospitals as well as organisations providing residential care services, centre-based care services and home-based care services.