Let me use CPF to pay for eye op
13 January 2005
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07 Jan 2005, The Straits Times
Name of the Person: James Hoe Boon Eng
Let me use CPF to pay for eye op
I AM a 60-year-old retiree who has suffered from poor eyesight for some years now. I am unable to see clearly with my right eye.
Recently, I consulted a specialist at Tan Tock Seng Hospital who recommended Trans Thermal Therapy surgery at a cost of $3,000 plus.
Because I have more than $25,000 in my Medisave account, I wrote to the CPF Board to ask to pay my consultation and operation fees from my account.
However, my request was rejected.
I am disappointed the CPF Board turned it down. I have worked hard for many years, and firmly believe I deserve every cent in my CPF account.
The CPF Board insists it means well to preserve my money for a 'rainy day'. Well, my rainy day has come, but nothing is being done. It all sounds good, but it isn't.
I suggest the board review its regulations.
Reply from MOH
Medisave is for paying large hospitalisation bills
The use of Medisave to pay for eye operation and polyclinic visits was raised in the letters yyyLet me use CPF to pay for eye op and let elderly use it for polyclinic visitsyyy (ST, 7 Jan).
Medisave was designed primarily to help individuals meet their personal or immediate family's hospitalisation expenses incurred in Class B2 and C wards of public hospitals.
At polyclinics, the elderly already receive significant Government subsidies of up to 75 per cent of the cost of treatment. As the final bill after subsidy is small, less than $10 in most cases, it is affordable for most patients and rightly therefore should be paid by cash. Those who have financial difficulties can approach the medical social workers at the polyclinics for assistance.
We would also like to clarify that Medisave can be used to pay for eye operations which are medically required. In Mr Hoe's case, he was allowed to use Medisave subject to the prevailing withdrawal limits as counselled by the hospital. As a private patient, the Medisave withdrawal limits could not cover the full medical bill and the balance needs to be paid by cash. Mr Hoe can contact the Ministry at 1800-225-4122 if he needs further clarifications.