Individuals Disqualified from Integrated Shield Plans due to Implementation of MediShield Plans
8 July 2019
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Mr Png Eng Huat
MP for Hougang
Question No. 2916
To ask the Minister for Health (a) whether the Ministry tracks the number of residents who are disqualified from buying the Integrated Shield Plans (IP) offered by private insurers due to the implementation of MediShield Life which covers pre-existing conditions; and (b) how does the Government intend to work with these IP private insurers to benefit policyholders.
Written Answer
1 MediShield Life provides universal basic health insurance coverage for life for all Singapore Residents, including those with pre-existing conditions. MediShield Life, together with Government subsidies, MediSave and MediFund, will keep the costs of basic healthcare affordable to subsidised patients. This is the Government’s commitment to all Singaporeans.
2 Integrated Shield Plans (IPs) are optional plans offered by private insurers that provide additional coverage, catering to different preferences beyond MediShield Life, including private healthcare services.
3 IP insurers have their own underwriting processes and make independent decisions on the provision of coverage to applicants, based on the insurers’ risk assessments and other considerations. IP insurers may choose to reject applications from those with certain pre-existing conditions, or provide cover for individuals with pre-existing conditions with exclusions or risk-loading on premiums. The premiums across insurers also differ. MOH does not intervene in the underwriting process for IPs.
4 Where MOH works closely with IP insurers would be in areas such as public education and financial counselling for the public, as well as the management of healthcare costs in the private sector. The requirement for co-payment among IP riders imposed from April 2019, to bring about more affordable and sustainable healthcare and healthcare insurance, is one such example.