Haze Subsidy Scheme to Cease with the End of Dry Season
16 November 2015
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As the haze situation has improved and NEA has advised that the likelihood of transboundary haze would remain low for the rest of the year, the Ministry of Health (MOH) will cease the Haze Subsidy Scheme with effect from 23 November 2015.
2 The Haze Subsidy Scheme was implemented as a special scheme to ensure that the children, elderly and lower- and middle-income groups of Singaporeans had access to timely and affordable treatment for haze-related conditions. Under the scheme, which started on 16 September 2015, Pioneers needed to pay only $5 and other eligible Singaporeans $10 at participating Public Health Preparedness Clinics (PHPC)[1] and polyclinics for haze-related conditions. MOH subsidised the remaining costs. Public Assistance (PA) cardholders enjoyed fully subsidised care.
3 Since then, more than 630 PHPCs have participated in the scheme, with around 50,000 haze-related attendances seen at the PHPCs and polyclinics[2].
4 The Ministry would like to express our sincere appreciation to our GP partners and polyclinics in lending a helping hand to our residents during this haze season.
[1] The following groups of Singapore citizens are eligible for the scheme:
i) All Singaporean children (aged 18 and below) and elderly (aged 65 and above);
ii) Singaporeans who are on any of the following schemes:
a. Community Health Assist Scheme (CHAS);
b. Public Assistance (PA);
c. Medical Fee Exemption Card (MFEC);
d. Medical Fee Assistance Card (MFAC); and
e. Pioneer Generation (PG).
iii) Singaporeans who earn a monthly income of $1,800 and below (averaged over the last six months), based on self-declaration using an official form
[2] This is a preliminary estimate as participating clinics have up to one month after the cessation of the Haze Subsidy Scheme to submit their claims to MOH.