GP Clinics Opening Hours Over SG50 Jubilee Weekend
3 August 2015
This article has been migrated from an earlier version of the site and may display formatting inconsistencies.
The Ministry of Health (MOH) wishes all Singaporeans a wonderful time of celebration over the extended Jubilee Weekend from 7 to 10 August, commemorating Singapore’s 50 years of independence this year.
2 MOH would like to encourage the public who feel unwell during the festivities to visit their General Practitioner (GP) or 24-hour clinic for conditions that are neither life-threatening nor serious emergencies. More than 600 clinics will be operating at various times over the National Day long weekend.
3 The list of clinics which are open during the Jubilee Weekend is available through:
· MOH’s webpage (
· MOH’s Directory of Licensed Healthcare Institutions (
· Agency for Integrated Care’s (AIC) Singapore Silver Pages (
· Community Health Assist Scheme (CHAS) webpage (
· MOH iHealthSg mobile application which can help users search for clinics which are open, according to the user’s location. The mobile app may be downloaded from iTunes ( or the Google Play Store (
4 The public is advised to seek medical treatment at hospitals’ Accident & Emergency (A&E) departments only for serious emergencies, such as chest pain, breathlessness, and uncontrollable bleeding. The public may visit the HPB website ( for more information on other conditions which would require a visit to the A&E department.
5 MOH would also like to take this opportunity to remind the public to eat in moderation during the festive period and continue to exercise regularly to stay healthy over the holiday period.
3 AUGUST 2015