Goodwood Park Hotel Bakery Suspension To Be Lifted Today After Satisfying Food Safety Standards
20 May 2016
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The National Environment Agency (NEA) will be lifting the suspension on Goodwood Park Hotel’s bakery kitchen today as it is satisfied that the required food safety measures have been implemented to rectify the lapses detected. This comes after the conclusion of joint investigations by the Ministry of Health (MOH), NEA and Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority of Singapore (AVA) into the multiple food poisoning incidents that happened between 15 March 2016 and 16 April 2016, traced to the consumption of durian pastries prepared at Goodwood Park Hotel. To protect consumers from public health risks, NEA had suspended Goodwood Park Hotel bakery from 22 April 2016.
Causes of outbreaks
2 Our investigations showed that there had been instances of poor personal and food handling hygiene practices during the preparation of durian pastries at Goodwood Park Hotel. The investigation team had in one instance observed that a food handler did not use gloves that covered her arms completely while preparing the durian crepe filling. This resulted in exposed skin on her forearms coming into contact with the durian filling when she was manually mixing it.
3 Samples of durian pastries taken on 13 April tested positive for presence of E.coli and Salmonella. Two food handlers from the durian pastry kitchen were tested positive for Norovirus. Stool samples from three of the consumers who fell ill during the outbreak also tested positive for Norovirus.
Measures taken by Goodwood Park Hotel bakery
4 During the suspension period, the operator had carried out the following measures stipulated by NEA:
- Disposed of all pastries that were for sale and prepared at the bakery
- Ceased the production, sale and distribution of all pastries prepared by the bakery
- Cleaned and sanitised the bakery, including equipment, utensils, work surfaces and toilets
- Reviewed and rectified the lapses in food preparation processes identified during inspections
- Sent all food handlers working in the bakery for stool screening
5 In a joint inspection of the bakery conducted on 28 Apr 2016 following cleaning and sanitisation works, no foodborne pathogen was detected from environmental swabs of the equipment and work surfaces in the bakery.
6 Goodwood Park Hotel has submitted its plan to tighten its supervisory regime to ensure that staff who are ill are not engaged in food preparation or food service and that its staff practise good food and personal hygiene at all times. The management has put in place a system to require kitchen staff to declare their health condition daily before they are allowed to start work. All food handlers have since re-attended and passed the Basic Food Hygiene training course, as instructed by NEA. With the exception of two food handlers who tested positive for foodborne pathogens, the other food handlers are allowed to resume work. The remaining two will only be allowed to resume work as food handlers after they have obtained clearance from MOH.
Keeping close checks on the hotel after reopening
7 Following the lifting of its suspension, NEA will place the Goodwood Park Hotel bakery kitchen under close surveillance until NEA is satisfied that the operator is practising good food safety and hygiene measures in their operations.
8 Based on our joint investigation findings, NEA will be taking further enforcement actions against the licensee for the hygiene infringements found.
Public Advisory
9 MOH and NEA would like to remind the public that food poisoning can occur anywhere. Poor food preparation practices (e.g. using the same chopping board/knife for both raw and cooked food without washing between uses) and poor personal hygiene (e.g. not washing hands after using the toilet and before preparing food) can contribute to food poisoning even in the home.
10 For health related queries, members of the public can contact MOH at 1800-2254122. For feedback on any hygiene lapses, the public may contact NEA at the 24-hr hotline 1800-2255 632.