Extension of Assisted Reproduction Technology Co-funding Scheme to Couples above Age 40
3 March 2021
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Name and Constituency of Member of Parliament
Mr Louis Ng
MP for Nee Soon GRC
Question No. 783
To ask the Minister for Health whether the Ministry can extend the Assisted Reproduction Technology co-funding scheme to couples where the wife is 40 years or older at the point of marriage.
Written Answer
1. The Assisted Reproduction Technology (ART) co-funding scheme supports couples who face difficulty in conceiving naturally. In January 2020, the scheme was enhanced to allow women who had attempted an ART or Intra-Uterine Insemination (IUI) procedure before 40 years old to tap on up to two of the six co-funded ART cycles at age 40 or later. This aims to encourage couples to start their families early and those with difficulty conceiving to consider the ART procedures early.
2. The age criterion of 40 years old is set based on clinical evidence that the success rate of conception for a woman who undergoes ART treatment decreases with age, with significantly lower success rate after 40. Nonetheless, we do consider appeals on a case-by-case basis for couples with extenuating circumstances.