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02 Jun 2011
The Ministry of Health (MOH) is monitoring the outbreak of haemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS) caused by E.coli bacteria in Germany and Europe closely. HUS is a life-threatening disease that is characterised by renal failure.
The outbreak appears to be mainly limited to Germany at the moment. A few cases have been reported in other European countries such as Sweden, UK, Denmark and the Netherlands, but all these cases had travelled to Germany recently. MOH has alerted all medical practitioners and hospitals to be vigilant and to notify MOH immediately of any suspected cases of E. coli infection linked to the outbreak in Germany.
As a precautionary measure, we advise Singaporeans travelling to Germany to observe good hygiene, avoid eating raw tomatoes, cucumbers and leafy vegetables and ensure that food is thoroughly cooked before consumption. E. coli infection commonly arises from eating contaminated beef and raw vegetables. Persons returning from Germany should seek medical care immediately if they develop diarrhoea and abdominal cramps.
The public may wish to visit the MOH website for more information on the E.coli outbreak.
Hold-and Test requirement on vegetables from EU
Vegetables from the European Union constitute approximately 2% of Singapore’s total vegetable imports. In view of the recent situation, the Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority has placed imported leafy vegetables, cucumbers and tomatoes from the European Union under hold-and-test, should there be such imports. This means that the items will only be released for sale once they are found to be clear of any contaminants.