Dr Lam Pin Min to Host NurtureSG Facebook Chat
29 May 2016
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1. Minister of State for Health Dr Lam Pin Min will host a ‘live’ Facebook chat on Monday 30 May 2016 (7.30pm to 9pm) with members of the public to discuss how our children and youth can have better health. We welcome parents and care-givers to join in the chat and share your views and suggestions with us.
2. The chat is part of an 8-week long NurtureSG public consultation to garner views and suggestions on how we can build a strong foundation for better health among our children and youth, to prepare them to lead healthier, longer lives and enable them to be better learners. The chat will cover key areas of health concern among our young, including physical activity, nutrition, mental wellbeing, myopia and oral health.
3. The NurtureSG Taskforce, co-chaired by Dr Lam Pin Min and Minister of State for Education Dr Janil Puthucheary, launched the public consultation for NurtureSG on 24 April 2016. Members of the public can take part in face-to-face engagement sessions or participate in an online survey.
4. Those interested to take part in the chat can log on to www.facebook.com/REACHSingapore on 30 May from 7.30pm to 9pm. For the public consultation, members of the public have until 19 June to take part in the online public consultation at https://www.moh.gov.sg/content/moh_web/home/econsultation/eConsultation/topics/public-online-consultation-on-nurturesg.html [closed]. They may also register for the engagement sessions at https://www.moh.gov.sg/content/moh_web/home/econsultation/eConsultation/topics/nurturesg-engagement-session-online-registration-form.html [closed].