Confirm Your Household Information by 19 June to Help Ensure Correct Premium Subsidy Calculation
15 June 2015
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1. Singapore households who received MediShield Life letters with a deadline indicated in their letters are encouraged to confirm and update their household information by 19 June, including those who were given earlier deadlines. This is so that the correct Premium Subsidies can be computed for them.
2. Those who have missed the exercise will still receive Premium Subsidies if they are eligible, as the subsidies will be computed based on their existing information available in Government records. To help ensure the correct Premium Subsidies can be calculated, those who have been invited to confirm their household information are encouraged to do so.
3. As part of the Household Check exercise to determine MediShield Life Premium Subsidies for Singaporeans, MediShield Life letters were sent to all households in May. Each household received one customised letter and were asked to complete the household check once. Households who were invited to confirm their household information had a deadline indicated in their letters (please refer to Annex A for a sample of a letter with a deadline). About 740,000 households out of 1.2 million households received customised letters with a deadline. As of 12 June, close to 50 per cent of households who have been invited to complete their household check have done so.
4. Apart from the Premium Subsidies, there are also Pioneer Generation Subsidies and Transitional Subsidies to keep MediShield Life premiums affordable. These do not depend on household circumstances and will be given automatically.
15 JUNE 2015