Closing Remarks by Dr Amy Khor, Senior Minister of State for Health, at the Closing Session of the Citizens' Jury for War on Diabetes, 13 January 2017
16 January 2018
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Good afternoon everyone.
Seven weeks ago, I met all of you for the first time and congratulated you on being the pioneers of this new citizen engagement methodology called the Citizens’ Jury or the CJ in short. As I sat in your discussions in the past three sessions, I saw how 76 individuals came together to discuss ideas on how to combat diabetes as a Jury. Today, I am happy to witness the fruit of your labour and receive your collective report.
2. More than the report that I have the pleasure of receiving, I am heartened by your commitment and enthusiasm in the CJ to work with the Ministry of Health to co-deliver solutions to fight the War on Diabetes. I learnt about this engagement methodology when I visited Australia in my capacity as the REACH Chairman some years back and wondered if such a methodology could be implemented in Singapore. From my observations of your discussions and from today’s presentation, I am encouraged that Singaporeans are ready to step up, take ownership and co-create solutions with the Government to make a difference to our community.
3. Over the past seven weeks, you sought advice from subject matter experts, deliberated and debated ideas and proposals among yourselves, your families and friends to come to a consensus on the recommendations that you, as a Jury, want to put forth. Your commitment of time and ideas and your generous sharing of experiences have enriched all of us. I am heartened to note that through the CJ process, about 86% of you felt that you can better understand the challenges of balancing competing needs and finite resources in developing solutions for the benefit of all Singaporeans. Most of you (90%) also told us that you are keen to contribute more actively to our whole-of-society efforts in the War on Diabetes, and to inspire your community, family and friends to do so. I am encouraged by your passion and enthusiasm to take active steps on how we can each do our part to build a healthier Singapore for many generations to come.
4. I will convey your recommendations to the Ministry of Health unedited and unchanged. We will study your recommendations carefully and respond to you on the outcome of your recommendations within three months.
5. I would also like to thank the partnership and support provided by the Institute of Policy Studies (IPS) for the CJ. IPS will evaluate the CJ process to see if this engagement methodology can facilitate greater engagement of our citizens in the policymaking process.
6. Once again, thank you very much for your active participation in the first Citizens’ Jury on the War on Diabetes. I am confident that with the friendships that you have forged, you will be inspired to continue contributing actively to a healthier Singapore. I wish all of you and your families good health and a wonderful year ahead.
For more information on the Citizens' Jury for the War on Diabetes, please click here.