CHAS subsidies tiered according to per capita household monthly income
17 July 2013
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Lianhe Zaobao, 10 July 2013
我 在2012年中退休,单身,目前没有工作。我在民众俱乐部的活动中,经居民委员会会员介绍关于“社保援助计划”(CHAS)的好处。如果在CHAS的诊所 看病能得到医疗津贴,包括普通病症、慢性疾病、牙科服务。援助卡分为蓝色和橙色,蓝色是家中无收入才可申请,每日医疗津贴顶限为18元半;橙色就只享有普 通病症的医疗津贴。
How does CHAS assess household income?
Ms Zheng Su Hua asked how household income is determined under the CHAS scheme. She retired in 2012, and is single and unemployed. She said that when she applied for the CHAS card, she got the orange card, whereas her friend, who lives in a 5-room flat and who has two children who have graduated and are working, got the blue CHAS card, which offers a higher subsidy. She finds it unfair and questions why people who have children to support them receive higher subsidies than someone who does not.
Reply from MOH
Lianhe Zaobao, 16 July 2013
CHAS subsidies tiered according to per capita household monthly income
We are glad that Ms Zheng Su Hua (‘How does CHAS assess household income?”, 10 July) has successfully applied to be a cardholder under the Community Health Assist Scheme (CHAS).
There are two subsidy tiers under CHAS to better target subsidies according to needs. Applicants are assessed based on per capita household monthly income, based on an average of the past 12 months’ income. Those with a per capita household monthly income of $900 and below, and $901 to $1,500, will qualify for a blue and orange card respectively. For those without household income, the assessment is by the Annual Value of the residential property. More information on the CHAS eligibility criteria and the benefits under each card can be accessed at
We have reached out to Ms Zheng to better understand her case. As she had applied for CHAS shortly after she retired, her past 12 months’ income had been taken into account. We are in touch with her to see how we can assist her further, given her present circumstances.
Bey Mui Leng (Ms)
Director, Corporate Communications
Ministry of Health