11 September 2021
This article has been migrated from an earlier version of the site and may display formatting inconsistencies.
Summary of local situation
• 708 cases are currently warded in hospital. There are currently 35 cases of serious illness requiring oxygen supplementation, and 7 in critical condition in the intensive care unit (ICU).
• Over the last 28 days, the percentage of unvaccinated who became severely ill or died is 4.6%, while that for the fully vaccinated is 0.8%.
• As of 10 September 2021, 81% of our population has completed their full regimen/ received two doses of COVID-19 vaccines, and 84% has received at least one dose.
• As of 11 September 2021, 12pm, the Ministry of Health (MOH) has detected a total of 555 new cases of COVID-19 infection in Singapore today.
Condition of hospitalised cases
As of 11 September 2021, 12pm, 708 COVID-19 cases are currently warded in hospital. Most are well and under observation. There are currently 35 cases of serious illness requiring oxygen supplementation, and 7 in critical condition in the ICU. Of those who have fallen very ill, 33 are seniors above 60 years.
Figure 1: Number of Active Cases in ICU or Requiring Oxygen Supplementation

2. Over the last 28 days, the percentage of local cases who were asymptomatic or had mild symptoms is 98.5%. Of the 65 cases who required oxygen supplementation, 35 were not fully vaccinated and 30 were fully vaccinated. Of the 6 who had been in the ICU, 4 were not fully vaccinated and 2 were fully vaccinated. Of the 4 who died, none were fully vaccinated1.
Figure 2: Local Cases in the Last 28 Days by Severity of Condition

Figure 3: Deaths and Active Cases in ICU, Requiring Oxygen Supplementation or Hospitalised, by Age Groups

Update on vaccination progress
3. As of 10 September 2021, 81% of our population has completed their full regimen/ received two doses of COVID-19 vaccines, and 84% has received at least one dose.
4. We have administered a total of 8,846,497 doses of COVID-19 vaccines under the national vaccination programme (Pfizer-BioNTech Comirnaty and Moderna), covering 4,551,854 individuals, with 4,411,550 individuals having completed the full vaccination regimen. In addition, 176,732 doses of other vaccines recognised in the World Health Organization’s Emergency Use Listing (WHO EUL) have been administered, covering 86,561 individuals.
Locally transmitted COVID-19 cases
5. As of 11 September 2021, 12pm, there are 555 cases of COVID-19 infection, comprising 486 community cases, 64 dormitory residents cases and 5 imported cases.
a) Active clusters under close monitoring
Closure of Chinatown Complex and Community Surveillance Testing for Visitors
6. MOH is investigating cases of COVID-19 infection amongst individuals who work in Chinatown Complex (335 Smith Street). A total of 66 cases are currently linked to the cluster. Of these, 63 work at Chinatown Complex, comprising 58 stallholders and stall assistants, 4 cleaners and 1 Safe Distancing Ambassador working at the Complex. The remaining 3 are household contacts of cases. To break any potential chain of transmission and enable deep cleaning of the premises, Chinatown Complex will be closed to all members of the public from 1500 hours, 12 September to 2359 hours, 15 September 2021.
7. All staff working at Chinatown Complex are being tested for COVID-19. To cast a wide net around the cases, and to contain the cluster quickly, persons who have logged in with SafeEntry to Chinatown Complex from 8 September to 11 September will be issued Health Risk Alerts (HRA). They are strongly encouraged to go for a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test as soon as possible and to reduce their social interactions for 14 days.
8. To uncover any community infection cases, we will also extend free COVID-19 testing to members of the public who had visited Chinatown Complex between 8 September and 11 September, but who do not receive HRAs. Please refer to https://go.gov.sg/chinatown-complex-testing for details on the testing operations. All visitors to Chinatown Complex between 8 September and 11 September are advised to monitor their health closely, and minimise social interactions as far as possible, for 14 days from their date of visit. They are encouraged to see a doctor immediately if they feel unwell.
9. We are closely monitoring the clusters listed below, which have already been ringfenced through tracing, testing and isolation.
Figure 4: Large Clusters with New Cases
Table caption
Cluster | New Cases | Total2 | Remarks |
Chinatown Complex | 44 | 66 | Ongoing workplace transmission, including 58 stallholders and assistants, 4 cleaners, 1 SDA and 3 household contacts of workers |
PCF Sparkletots Braddell Heights (335 Serangoon Avenue 3) | 3 | 22 | Transmission amongst students in the same class, with further spread to household contact of cases |
Hu Lee Impex (Chin Bee Avenue) | 6 | 40 | Workplace transmission with further spread to household contacts of cases. Of the 40 cases, 31 are staff (including 18 vegetable packers) and 9 are household contacts of cases |
30 Sunview Way construction site | 17 | 115 | Workplace transmission, no evidence of spread beyond worksite; amongst new cases, 11 have been quarantined earlier |
Sembcorp Marine Tuas Boulevard Yard | 17 | 76 | Most cases are residents of 38 Kian Teck Drive dormitory; amongst new cases, 12 have been quarantined earlier |
Changi General Hospital | 3 | 67 | Transmission limited to facility management staff, no transmission to healthcare workers and patients; all new cases have been quarantined earlier |
Bugis Junction | 5 | 313 | Intra-mall transmission amongst staff and visitors; all new cases have been quarantined earlier |
Toa Payoh Bus Interchange staff | 6 | 210 | Workplace transmission amongst bus captains and interchange staff, no evidence of spread to commuters |
Tampines Bus Interchange staff | 7 | 68 | Workplace transmission amongst bus captains and interchange staff, no evidence of spread to commuters |
Boon Lay Bus Interchange staff | 11 | 179 | Workplace transmission amongst bus captains and interchange staff, no evidence of spread to commuters |
Jurong East Bus Interchange staff | 2 | 47 | Workplace transmission amongst bus captains and interchange staff, no evidence of spread to commuters |
Clementi Bus Interchange staff | 3 | 58 | Workplace transmission amongst bus captains and interchange staff, no evidence of spread to commuters |
Punggol Bus Interchange staff | 2 | 44 | Workplace transmission amongst bus captains and interchange staff, no evidence of spread to commuters |
119 Neythal Road dormitory | 2 | 24 | Workplace transmission; all new cases have already been quarantined earlier |
b) Summary of trends for local cases
10. There are 486 community and 64 dormitory residents cases of COVID-19 infection today. Amongst the local cases today are 145 seniors who are above 60 years.
Figure 5: Number of Local Cases by Age

Summary of trends for imported cases
11. There are a total of 5 imported cases, who have already been placed on Stay-Home Notice (SHN) or isolated upon arrival in Singapore. All 5 developed the illness during SHN or isolation.
Figure 6: Number of Imported Cases by Detected Upon Arrival/ Detected during SHN or Isolation

12. Please refer to MOH’s daily Situation Report (www.moh.gov.sg/covid-19/situation-report) for details.
[1] Fully vaccinated - more than 14 days after completing vaccination regimen (both doses of the vaccine or one dose for recovered individuals).
[2] Includes new cases added today.