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  5. SK759E - Examination Under Anaesthesia (General Or Regional) Without Other Surgical Procedures Footnote: In a dental setting, if a dentist determines that the procedure requires anaesthesia due to uncooperative paediatric patients, or paediatric patients who have special needs, the dentist should refer the case to a specialist/paediatric dentist for assessment if the procedure requires general anaesthesia.

SK759E - Examination Under Anaesthesia (General Or Regional) Without Other Surgical Procedures Footnote: In a dental setting, if a dentist determines that the procedure requires anaesthesia due to uncooperative paediatric patients, or paediatric patients who have special needs, the dentist should refer the case to a specialist/paediatric dentist for assessment if the procedure requires general anaesthesia.

TOSP Code: SK759E / TOSP Table: 1A

Hospital Bill (Overall)

Day Surgery


Hospital Bill (by Hospital)

Day Surgery


MOH Recommended Fees
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