Subsidies for Cell, Tissue, and Gene Therapy Products (CTGTPs) at Public Healthcare Institutions

01 Aug 2024

What Cell, Tissue, and Gene Therapy Products (CTGTPs) are subsidised today?

Subsidies will be provided for CTGTPs* that are assessed to be clinically and cost effective, for specific indications, to eligible subsidised patients.

* Cell, tissue, and gene therapy products are made from human or animal cells or tissues, or man-made genetic material. They are used to diagnose, treat, or prevent different conditions including cancers, and genetic disorders.


What are the benefits?

Singapore Citizens are eligible for up to 75% subsidies, while Permanent Residents are eligible for up to 22.5% subsidies.

Subsidy levels are determined through household means-testing using Monthly Per Capita Household Income (PCHI)1 to account for the overall financial resources of the household to support the household members.

The current subsidy levels for Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents are shown below:

*Note: Effective up till 30 Sep 2024. From 1 Oct 2024, the PCHI thresholds for all MOH means-tested subsidy schemes and grants will be revised.

Current CTGTP Subsidy Level
Monthly Per Capita Household Income (PCHI)Singapore CitizenPermanent Resident
$0 ≤ PCHI ≤ $3,300 75% - capped at $150,000 22.5% - capped at $45,000
$3,300 < PCHI ≤ $6,500 60% - capped at $120,000
$6,500 < PCHI ≤ $10,100 45% - capped at $90,000
PCHI > $10,100 0%* 0%*

* In exceptional deserving cases, subsidies may be extended upon appeal.

1 Monthly PCHI is computed as the total gross household monthly income divided by the total number of family members living together in the household. Gross monthly household income includes basic employment income, trade/self-employed income, overtime pay, allowances, cash awards, commissions, and bonuses.


Who is eligible?

Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents who receive any listed CTGTPs for the listed indications as part of their subsidised treatment at public healthcare institutions are eligible for subsidies for the CTGTP treatment.


How do I apply?

Subsidies will be automatically accorded based on your means-test status.

Should you require further financial assistance, please approach the medical social worker at any subsidised public healthcare institution and they will be able to assist you accordingly.


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