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Care services
Care services can be provided in various settings. The goal is to help individuals maintain their independence and quality of life while receiving the support they need.
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Within the community
In the community, care services are available to enable seniors to receive care within the comfort of familiar surroundings.
Senior Care Centres (SCCs)
SCCs offer day care services to seniors who need supervision and assistance of Activities of Daily Living (ADL) when their caregivers are at work. These centres also offer community rehabilitation services for seniors who need support to regain their abilities. Transport service is available if seniors need assistance to commute to the centres.
Please approach the doctor at the hospital or polyclinic that your loved one visits for assistance to submit an online application for the service. Alternatively, you may visit an AIC Link near you for assistance on the application process.
Explore more information on SCCs.

Active Ageing Centres (Care)
Active Ageing Centres (Care) [AACs(Care)] offer both AAC services and care services such as day care and community rehabilitation for well and frail seniors.
Locate your nearest AAC(Care).
Home Care Services
Home Care Services provide services in the homes of seniors. These may include home medical, nursing, personal care and therapy, as well as meals and medical escort and transport. Together, these services allow seniors to remain at home even as their care needs increase.

Home medical services involve doctors conducting house visits to review the senior's medical condition in their homes.
Home nursing services involve nurses providing nursing care (e.g. wound dressing) to seniors in their homes.
Home personal care involve having a trained carer to help seniors with activities of daily living (ADLs) (e.g. showering and feeding), and/or Instrumental ADLs (IADLs) (e.g. housekeeping).
Meals-on-Wheels delivers daily meals to home-bound seniors who cannot buy or prepare their own meals and have no one who can help them do so.
Medical escort and transport services provide escort and transportation for seniors' medical appointments if they cannot attend on their own and/or have no suitable caregivers to help.
Learn how to apply for Home Care Services.
Within care institutions
Nursing homes
Nursing homes provide long-term residential care to seniors who are frail and have little or no family support. Nursing homes have a range of services such as medical care, nursing and rehabilitative services to meet the needs of residents who require assistance with most of their activities of daily living and/or have daily nursing care needs.
Caregivers can also tap on nursing homes for short-term respite care if required.

Chronic Sick Units (CSU)
Chronic Sick Units (CSU) are for patients requiring regular and long-term residential, supportive and nursing care due to medical condition(s) with long-term complications such as chronic wounds, artificial airways e.g., tracheostomies, tube feedings. CSU are available in selected Community Hospitals and nursing homes.
Discover options for long-term residential care facilities or short-term respite care.